Good ole boys club- ugh


Can you believe how this company have morphed in the past 3 years? Did KF run it into the ground with the ridiculous DTC million dollar commercial which is awful? Nobody can seem to get a working budget and keep restructuring departments. And now training has turned into a toxic group of “guys” running the show. WTH?
My door is “always” open is a bunch of crap. Do better.

Can you believe how this company have morphed in the past 3 years? Did KF run it into the ground with the ridiculous DTC million dollar commercial which is awful? Nobody can seem to get a working budget and keep restructuring departments. And now training has turned into a toxic group of “guys” running the show. WTH?
My door is “always” open is a bunch of crap. Do better.
This place has always been a boys club but the past few years have shown that you’re easily removed from the club.

Dave Canny is absolutely worthless.

Never made quota as.a DBL and was always last place. Just a complete disaster and classic example of why our stock is down.

A complete loser.

Talk about dead weight Federal Accounts is an absolute shit show! Shawn “I am the Best” Pierce is seriously on vacation filling a position that is 100% completely out of his league! Because sweeping floors at Walmart is out of his league. But the Good Ole Boy system continues to promote dead weight, when they can shut up and follow. Seriously just log your calls, take the fat paycheck and right the wave as long as this ship is afloat. We have nothing to lose until it implodes. I guarantee the captain will not go down with this shit he will be the first one into the life boat.