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Good Luck my friends: RTBKPL


  • RTBKPL   Mar 28, 2012 at 04:29: PM
Take a big deep breath and try to maintain an even strain for the announcement next week. I assure you that you will all land on your feet somewhere and in many cases be better off, even you OLD GUYS. Those who feel your skills are not transferable fail to truly understand what it is that a Pharma Rep does. You have sales skills regardless of what the naysayers might say. You have people skills, interpersonal skills, verbal skills an better than average educations. The economy is like a sine curve and I believe it is on the way up. In my opinion things are better this year than last.

It might take a little cutting back on your part but you will survive. Don't fall for the job scams, use your common sense....if it sounds too good to be true.........you know the rest.

Hang in there my friends and remember.....

Never let the bastards get you down.



will you please leave us alone you're done. We don't need your advise and sympathy. So please leave us alone. I heared a lot of your comments. Please stop this. You are not helping. go to other side where they need your thoughts. Please stop. We need to hear people from the inside not from you who have been downsized. Hope you understand this. You are more intelligent than us here. So Please stop.

Take a big deep breath and try to maintain an even strain for the announcement next week. I assure you that you will all land on your feet somewhere and in many cases be better off, even you OLD GUYS. Those who feel your skills are not transferable fail to truly understand what it is that a Pharma Rep does. You have sales skills regardless of what the naysayers might say. You have people skills, interpersonal skills, verbal skills an better than average educations. The economy is like a sine curve and I believe it is on the way up. In my opinion things are better this year than last.

It might take a little cutting back on your part but you will survive. Don't fall for the job scams, use your common sense....if it sounds too good to be true.........you know the rest.

Hang in there my friends and remember.....

Never let the bastards get you down.


Thanks Sophocles! Im sure my 35k per year job will be just fine!

Thanks RT and glad you are still posting. I agree we have excellent communication, interpersonal and logical thinking skills and will prevail in the next chapter of our careers. I have had interviews and feel confident I will do well, even if it does not happen overnight. I hope I am severed!

will you please leave us alone you're done. We don't need your advise and sympathy. So please leave us alone. I heared a lot of your comments. Please stop this. You are not helping. go to other side where they need your thoughts. Please stop. We need to hear people from the inside not from you who have been downsized. Hope you understand this. You are more intelligent than us here. So Please stop.

I don't think RT was including you in his positive take on things. Obviously you don't have the education he feels the rest of us might. "We don't need your ADVISE and sympathy?" (You mean ADVICE.) "I heared a lot of your comments?" You mean HEARD. Your writing skills indicate that you will be working for Dunkin' Donuts soon.

I don't think RT was including you in his positive take on things. Obviously you don't have the education he feels the rest of us might. "We don't need your ADVISE and sympathy?" (You mean ADVICE.) "I heared a lot of your comments?" You mean HEARD. Your writing skills indicate that you will be working for Dunkin' Donuts soon.

You are one of the turds RT cut loose in his tidy bowl. RT is an ego-centric a-hole who thinks people are waiting on his sage advice and can't function without it. The poster was correct, RT is gone and should stay gone.

You on the other hand are one of the losers who will be working at "Dunkin Donuts soon" because your attitude will convey during the few interviews you get.

"Remember, if it sounds to good to be true, you know the rest."