Good Luck Everyone

Expect communication soon.
Shut up already. Amarin is going to purchase a second drug for the US salesforce to promote in addition to Vascepa. Two drugs are being presented to the board and they will decide between them. There’s no layoffs coming anytime soon. You’re either bitter that you weren’t hired and are just a troll, or you’re a pathetic SP who doesn’t do their job and wants to be laid off because your performance sucks. Maybe YOU should be worried about communication soon, but the rest of you are fine.

Shut up already. Amarin is going to purchase a second drug for the US salesforce to promote in addition to Vascepa. Two drugs are being presented to the board and they will decide between them. There’s no layoffs coming anytime soon. You’re either bitter that you weren’t hired and are just a troll, or you’re a pathetic SP who doesn’t do their job and wants to be laid off because your performance sucks. Maybe YOU should be worried about communication soon, but the rest of you are fine.

How many times have sales forces heard this bullshit? "We are reviewing other drugs blah, blah, blah, blah blah." Run along sycophant.

Shut up already. Amarin is going to purchase a second drug for the US salesforce to promote in addition to Vascepa. Two drugs are being presented to the board and they will decide between them. There’s no layoffs coming anytime soon. You’re either bitter that you weren’t hired and are just a troll, or you’re a pathetic SP who doesn’t do their job and wants to be laid off because your performance sucks. Maybe YOU should be worried about communication soon, but the rest of you are fine.

Hahaha! You must be new. Ask any older rep how many times they’ve heard “we’re gonna buy another drug, futures bright, no worries blah blah blah.” All the while, they’re planning their exit or planned it.

We’ve been hearing that for about as long as you’ve been saying that the plug is being pulled and everyone should be on the lookout for an announcement so. . .

OK, Skippy. My point is Amarin, and every small to mid-size pharma company, spoon feeds that bullshit to keep the salesforce snowed. Keep believing this shit. Soon you'll be trying to get your resume' out behind all the smarter folks that knew better. Good luck.