Good job Mr. Frazier


About time that America's CEOs come out against this President. His inability to blame the white nationalist terrorists responsible for the deaths in Charlottesville speaks volumes about who he panders to.

For those of you who berate Mr. Frazier - flame away because I won't be back to see your responses. I met lots of you along the way during my 25 year pharma career - and I know you'll go on about how tough things are for white men, and that I'll go to hell because Jesus is on your side, blah blah blah. Go play with your helmets and shields and hoods. Take your gun and your truck and go shoot some innocent creature, you idiot white boys. That's how you get your jollies.

About time that America's CEOs come out against this President. His inability to blame the white nationalist terrorists responsible for the deaths in Charlottesville speaks volumes about who he panders to.

For those of you who berate Mr. Frazier - flame away because I won't be back to see your responses. I met lots of you along the way during my 25 year pharma career - and I know you'll go on about how tough things are for white men, and that I'll go to hell because Jesus is on your side, blah blah blah. Go play with your helmets and shields and hoods. Take your gun and your truck and go shoot some innocent creature, you idiot white boys. That's how you get your jollies.

Thank you Mr. Colin Kaepernick and best of luck with your job search

Thank you thank you. these racist bastards, so much hate towards the ceo who left the racist president who would not condemn white supremacy. Frazier is the FOURTH ceo to leave your precious fake president's council. I guess ALL four ceo's who also left are corrupt lol you elected a POS fake child and now you are too embarrassed to face the facts that he will be the worst fake president in the history of the USA. It took him seconds to criticize Frazier but he still can't criticize his white supremacist followers. Racist bastards you are. We are not going to let you get away with your double standards and racism.

All my offices and clinics are still pissed off still, including a high prescriber who wont give me the time of day.
My team is encountering the same backlash.

This is exactly why what KF did was wrong for the company and his resignation should be demanded immediately! This company is not his personal playtoy to activate his personal political beliefs.

From the son of a janitor to CEO of Merck yet he still has a chip on his soldier about whites. He should have thicker skin and not act so fast on emotion. But it is easy to see all the liberal CEOs trying to take advantage of any opportunity to hold the President over a barrel. The problem is that this President isn't like other Republicans that roll over and show their bellies first sign of a conflict. He is a fighter! He called Ken out on our high prices that keep getting higher every year. Ken starves employees while he continues to pad his wallet. Don't believe me? Look at the annual report! His salary continues to increase at an alarming rate while employees are stagnant.

Soooo we don't like history so let's erase it. In the United States there is Freedom to gather: LBGTQ, black lives matter, white supremacist---peaceful gathering. It is a fundamental right. Doesn't mean you have to agree or participate. But you can gather and demonstrate - that is freedom. Freedom to voice your opinion and freedom to have your voice heard. Since when does the words "all sides are at fault" mean you agree with one side vs another. Frazier is a lemming -- following the misguided "herd". Weak and hiding behind the "racist" statement. We put up with quick draw Obama who touted race card far to often. Really - really -- Ken -- really. Stand up as a black man that has achieved a tremendous amount -- was it tough for you -- yes! Has it been tough for others - yes! Black, white, whatever -- step up above the trash talk and understand. In the USA freedom means all have opportunity --- let's stop making it sound like my color is a disadvantage. It isn't -- the only thing holding anyone back is them. Ken you were wrong to hold anyone accountable especially a sitting president for your shortcoming. It is embarrassing you used your position to display personal opinion. Why not use your position where it matters. This wasn't it

It's time to jump ship. Kenny boy just pissed off the wrong person. It will cost this company due to the high drug prices at Merck and in the industry. What the hell was this racist idiot thinking by being an emotional pussy. Thanks!

Soooo we don't like history so let's erase it. In the United States there is Freedom to gather: LBGTQ, black lives matter, white supremacist---peaceful gathering. It is a fundamental right. Doesn't mean you have to agree or participate. But you can gather and demonstrate - that is freedom. Freedom to voice your opinion and freedom to have your voice heard. Since when does the words "all sides are at fault" mean you agree with one side vs another. Frazier is a lemming -- following the misguided "herd". Weak and hiding behind the "racist" statement. We put up with quick draw Obama who touted race card far to often. Really - really -- Ken -- really. Stand up as a black man that has achieved a tremendous amount -- was it tough for you -- yes! Has it been tough for others - yes! Black, white, whatever -- step up above the trash talk and understand. In the USA freedom means all have opportunity --- let's stop making it sound like my color is a disadvantage. It isn't -- the only thing holding anyone back is them. Ken you were wrong to hold anyone accountable especially a sitting president for your shortcoming. It is embarrassing you used your position to display personal opinion. Why not use your position where it matters. This wasn't it

Well said.

About time that America's CEOs come out against this President. His inability to blame the white nationalist terrorists responsible for the deaths in Charlottesville speaks volumes about who he panders to.

For those of you who berate Mr. Frazier - flame away because I won't be back to see your responses. I met lots of you along the way during my 25 year pharma career - and I know you'll go on about how tough things are for white men, and that I'll go to hell because Jesus is on your side, blah blah blah. Go play with your helmets and shields and hoods. Take your gun and your truck and go shoot some innocent creature, you idiot white boys. That's how you get your jollies.

Typical coward. Spread your uninformed bullshit and hide behind PC that protects you and your kind. Run you coward.

It takes one to know one. As soon as you play the "racist" card, you are exposed as the racist that you are.

Exactly. Racism goes both ways. One side plays the victim but hates with a vengeance, but always portrays the other as the aggressor/ hater. That bullshit is getting old. You are a success because YOU did it. BUT when you fail, it's racist, discrimination, etc. BULLSHIT! Be responsibls for yourself and stop the victim routine. Nobody cares!

How much valuation has our company lost since he started the downfall of the Presidential Councils? Give yourself a big pat on the ass for being a wonderful SJW instead of worrying about company shareholders!