Good Job Lilly oncology!


Wow - what a bright future we have! When Camellia is out there recommending seeing 4+ oncologists/day as the way to increase "voice" (Great job Camellia - you are truly a bright light in the firmament!); and Tim blogs about how he's innovative because he "stayed in the rain" instead of coming inside to eat (no need to use a real sales example Timmy!) - and defends how we have bent over for the federal gov't out of greed and fear and refuse to partner with our customers and give them the information/programs they really want - it makes me realize what "special" people are leading this "special" sales division. We don't have "sales mgrs" leading us - we have mgrs who are in sales, willfully devoid of innovative or bold ideas on how to effectively infiltrate this market or gain access to our customers. Please, both of you, stop the pretense at competence and leave our division and company now! Why? Well, in your own words - "for the good of the patients" of course!!!

We can only hope that whoever replaces Johnson will see through the charade and expose Tim and Camerlia for the imposters that they are. This division has been a house of cards for years.

Wow - what a bright future we have! When Camellia is out there recommending seeing 4+ oncologists/day as the way to increase "voice" (Great job Camellia - you are truly a bright light in the firmament!); and Tim blogs about how he's innovative because he "stayed in the rain" instead of coming inside to eat (no need to use a real sales example Timmy!) - and defends how we have bent over for the federal gov't out of greed and fear and refuse to partner with our customers and give them the information/programs they really want - it makes me realize what "special" people are leading this "special" sales division. We don't have "sales mgrs" leading us - we have mgrs who are in sales, willfully devoid of innovative or bold ideas on how to effectively infiltrate this market or gain access to our customers. Please, both of you, stop the pretense at competence and leave our division and company now! Why? Well, in your own words - "for the good of the patients" of course!!!

Triple dittos! Well at least they're great at motivating the sales force - NOT! Of all the places to hold an inspirational national meeting these geniuses picked Atlanta!!! Took alot of hard work to avoid places like Orlando, Vegas (oh they couldn't choose that because it would upset Obama!), Miami, San Diego, uh....anywhere else that wouldn've been better.

What will we do if the powers that be promote TC to the top job?? Please tell me that can't happen. He's probably threatening JL that he'll leave if he doesn't get the job.. not like he didn't already do that once before...

so many good people are interviewing with other companies right now because of bad management/micromanagement - we have already lost a lot of good people and we will lose many more. Very sad

that brainless, vile ç·u·n·† should have been terminated years ago...

whoever wrote this - you are a disgrace to this company. I have my fair share of disagreements with Lilly management, but your comments are disgusting and have no place on any company board posting here. Leave this site - and leave our company - it is you who are vile

The good news is that she comes from"Six Sigma', and "Diversity". So more foreigners can work at LRL. (I was laid off so that Chinese citizens can stay).

China big market. You can sell much insulin there. Keep me, get rid of that "creative guy" and I show you big money someday. He no care about you, I care about you.