Good ducking

Expect communication from your manager shortly. Good luck.

what’s comical is you chirping on an anonymous message board. Why don’t you send the same message via your Amarin email address to the entire sales force. Gutless coward. Keep doing your fake calls. Someone like you would get a beat down in my neighborhood.

what’s comical is you chirping on an anonymous message board. Why don’t you send the same message via your Amarin email address to the entire sales force. Gutless coward. Keep doing your fake calls. Someone like you would get a beat down in my neighborhood.

The paychecks are still coming in and anyone who wants to has the opportunity to get resumes out. This dude needs to dial back the "expect communication from your manager" stuff. I make my calls and I have resumes out. Am I worried, sure! Do I think we have some time before the rug gets pulled out from under us, yes! When the call comes, the call comes.

The paychecks are still coming in and anyone who wants to has the opportunity to get resumes out. This dude needs to dial back the "expect communication from your manager" stuff. I make my calls and I have resumes out. Am I worried, sure! Do I think we have some time before the rug gets pulled out from under us, yes! When the call comes, the call comes.

Well said
That so called “call” can come to any company on this pharma board!!
This person has been posted the same nonsense about the email coming for the last month or so

The paychecks are still coming in and anyone who wants to has the opportunity to get resumes out. This dude needs to dial back the "expect communication from your manager" stuff. I make my calls and I have resumes out. Am I worried, sure! Do I think we have some time before the rug gets pulled out from under us, yes! When the call comes, the call comes.
Most sensical post on here. Well said.

The paychecks are still coming in and anyone who wants to has the opportunity to get resumes out. This dude needs to dial back the "expect communication from your manager" stuff. I make my calls and I have resumes out. Am I worried, sure! Do I think we have some time before the rug gets pulled out from under us, yes! When the call comes, the call comes.

This ship is half way sunk. Don’t waste your time making calls. Our job is to find a job.