Good and bad?


Thinking of interviewing and many negatives here. What's the good and bad? Is there anything good about a Life Vest sales job? Fair, honest and serious answers only.

Yes 2-3yrs ago when it wasn't oversold, territories were larger to support and management was less intrusive (helpful) and not up your a@@ riding along to fill their schedule. Now in terms you will understand. You launched a 5th generation me-too with gold standard generic preference while you have a NDC block and black box warning. Oh and the Medical Letter calls it a waste. Now your manager we shall call chicken little offers no suggestions and wants you to document every move and then directs you into useless tasks.

that is pretty much spot on. I have been here for 8months roughly and feel like I got hit in the head with a bat! Having a concussion would be the only logical reason to explain this place. Drive orders! "Do my job or you won't get paid-intake", don't ask me about your revenue...go drive more orders.

Wow ! Glad I turned down an offer from Zoll!
Had a great interview but the territory and goals sounded fishy. The hiring manager turned into an unprofessional Tuna when I told her I wanted time to consider her offer.
Good luck to all of you stuck that zituation!

Does anyone out there know about life on the Temperature Management side of the business? Same corporate culture as LifeVest? Is this a revolving door position? Any intel on the manager in FL? Degree of micromanagement? Realistic quotas? Are many reps really making the $150,000 they're selling candidates? Common obstacles in this position and company?

Why wouldn't Zoll just use a distributor model? Is management that obtuse?

yes they are. It might make more sense and they wouldn't have so many excellent sales professionals leaving very good jobs for the lies, smoke and mirrors that they spin and then looking for another job in 1-2 years again. People are losing valuable time and making career decisions based upon the lies that they spin.

Zoll Lifevest - awful stay away. Horrific executive management structure, Jamie, Barry Pyle, and the like. Their model try to annoy physicians in a small area to prescribe this device on patients when the risk is really minimal. Reimbursement is terrible, From the president marshal on down they could care less about their sales people and see them as tools.

Now do you want to consider?