Going Forward Continuous Rolling Layoffs


Besides the layoffs in MRL last month there will be layoffs in MMD this month.

We were told that there would be continuous rolling layoffs going forward. Anything that is not considered a priority will be terminated and the staff released.

Its going to be a fun time not knowing what day they will pull your card.


Besides the layoffs in MRL last month there will be layoffs in MMD this month.

We were told that there would be continuous rolling layoffs going forward. Anything that is not considered a priority will be terminated and the staff released.

Its going to be a fun time not knowing what day they will pull your card.
heard the same, primarily focused in the IT space. sounds like a great message for morale...

It isn't just IT. It's across the board. And it isn't targeted at just low performers or newer employees, unfortunately. Actually, it seems those that have been here longer are getting let go first- maybe because they cost more? In the past, there'd be an announcement, and employees would understand their strategy (e.g., 5% from each area, this site, this product, etc.). But now employees are just being cut without detailed explanation, especially those that just offer regular business support (e.g., Quality, Finance, HR, etc.). In my opinion two things are true- 1. The RTO mandate absolutely was a push to get people to quit so they wouldn't need to pay severance. (And who knows what their next move will be to turn up the heat.). 2. The company is not doing as well as they'd like Wall Street to believe, and they don't want to announce the layoffs for fear of how investors may react. Why they aren't starting with the poor performing senior management is beyond me- we really could trim some fat at the Executive Director level. The only thing that makes sense is if they're trying to use them to help "manage out" current employees.

Rob is certainly creating a legacy here. This feels dirty and slimy.

Its not low performers. I was only here 2 years as an employee, 5 prior as a contractor.

I was one of the ones in MRL IT that got cut about a week ago, there was no warning. Late Tuesday my boss set up a call for Wednesday morning for 15 minutes. Thought it was about my projects which I manage. Told me that they had gone through a "placement process" and my position had been eliminated. My last active day of work was that day and they would be cutting off my access within the hour. Took my personal email and emailed my separation documents.

Later in the day I found out they gave my projects to someone else. Oh well, its his problem now.

This is not a good company. Maybe at one time it was but not now. They have been torturing everyone about the dam budget for years already.

All these people that they have hired at the Assoc Director level and above can now do all the work.

Its not low performers. I was only here 2 years as an employee, 5 prior as a contractor.

I was one of the ones in MRL IT that got cut about a week ago, there was no warning. Late Tuesday my boss set up a call for Wednesday morning for 15 minutes. Thought it was about my projects which I manage. Told me that they had gone through a "placement process" and my position had been eliminated. My last active day of work was that day and they would be cutting off my access within the hour. Took my personal email and emailed my separation documents.

Later in the day I found out they gave my projects to someone else. Oh well, its his problem now.

This is not a good company. Maybe at one time it was but not now. They have been torturing everyone about the dam budget for years already.

All these people that they have hired at the Assoc Director level and above can now do all the work.

Just to confirm, was this intended to say “now” or was it a typo for “not”. If it’s supposed to be “not”, what you described is exactly how I’ve seen it happening in MRL business support areas. Also, so sorry for what you’ve been put through. And I agree with you other points on all fronts.

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