Going Direct

Lol. Funny little boy... we’re coming for all of you! You think $150M+ is a big company. Please man. Every distributor is getting taken out if it makes sense to us. It’s savings for ZB straight to the bottom line.

Lol. Funny little boy... we’re coming for all of you! You think $150M+ is a big company. Please man. Every distributor is getting taken out if it makes sense to us. It’s savings for ZB straight to the bottom line.
Lol. Whatever you say company man hahahaha. Must suck to be somebody’s bit&h 24/7 hahahahaha. You think 1099’s are loyal to zimmer.... hahahahahahaha. Cut us loose, see if we give a sh!t. Just like you followed up those non competes we threw right in the trash lol hahahaha. Corporate slugs lol.

So tough but still here... just like you’ll be here when we go direct. You ain’t goin nowhere little boy. Nowhere! We own you... you are box opener and set up cases in whatever system we tell you to use. You have ZERO relationships and couldn’t flip if you’re life depended on it. So stop acting tough and take these lower commission rates tough guy. We win!!

Lol. Funny little boy... we’re coming for all of you! You think $150M+ is a big company. Please man. Every distributor is getting taken out if it makes sense to us. It’s savings for ZB straight to the bottom line.

Truth. Just keep an eye on the next Territory change. I guarantee you it will be moving to direct. And, I'm in the know.

Truth. Just keep an eye on the next Territory change. I guarantee you it will be moving to direct. And, I'm in the know.

The jealousy with this one is stinking up everything. In the know = I am jealous as F of your paychecks and hate my life. Zimmer is only one of many paychecks we get from many companies. I make more money a year with my shelf stock then you do brown nosing daily to Corp lol. Someone in the know should be more worried at how many surgeons have dropped Zimmer recently. Those must be your new “Direct” territories as the older reps that left took the business with them. You are in the know, you can’t dispute the facts. #FACT