After 145 views of this thread, finally a reply. “What is going on”, you ask? There are currently 7 vacancies, only 4 of 45 territories at 80% (in the money) goal attainment. What is going on is a desperate push for an Opko selling model, plus more people scrambling to leave.
This is what happens when the manager is a kool-aid drinking puppet. The reps are not empowered, and every interaction with the manager is a fault-finding debate. Trust no one at Opko. They’re definitely out to get you.
This is what happens when the manager is a kool-aid drinking puppet. The reps are not empowered, and every interaction with the manager is a fault-finding debate. Trust no one at Opko. They’re definitely out to get you.
They seriously don’t give a fuck. Cheaper to burn and churn the sales force. And the blame will again fall on the salesforce for “promising” pie in the sky sales. The only sales forecasting that exists comes from Dr F(uck you)
They seriously don’t give a fuck. Cheaper to burn and churn the sales force. And the blame will again fall on the salesforce for “promising” pie in the sky sales. The only sales forecasting that exists comes from Dr F(uck you)
Bottom line managers need training on emotional intelligence, RSS need President Club/attainable goals/raises, and better communication from management.
This is what happens when the manager is a kool-aid drinking puppet. The reps are not empowered, and every interaction with the manager is a fault-finding debate. Trust no one at Opko. They’re definitely out to get you.