God Give Me Strength...


All I can say is WHAT THE F**K!
Is Ilumya leadership the absolute worst?
The people you keep trying to push out are the ones that have enough documentation to sink this ship.
Own your shit RSMs instead of pointing the fingers! PS you are a d**k.
East Region is the WORST and all the innuendoes, cover your ass tactics, and working people to the point of breaking is disgusting! Morally wrong! What the f**k is wrong with our leadership? I’ve been loyal from day one but that loyalty stops when it’s not reciprocated, no respect given, and things are done to intentionally make someone’s job near impossible.
Turnover is through the roof! Look in the mirror Ilumya leadership that is on you!
Have fun when you are on your 3rd, 4th TM. This is become so embarrassing.
And a big HELL NO to my RSM and PS for asking me to lie to my offices.
Yes I’m leaving and I can’t wait to put this behind me when that glorious day comes when I give my notice.
I want everyone to be happy if you love it here or you chose to leave.

Good luck to you. I agree I wish TMs here nothing but good. I joined thinking we’d do great stuff here but huge disappointment. Trust is gone in leadership. What a shame.

Hang in there. One more day till you can enjoy 2 day weekend. Unless you are one of the TMs who have to travel on Sundays not able to enjoy their full time with their families, rest up, nothing. Not their choice either but that’s the Sun way. Keep pushing the loyal ones out.

If you aren’t looking, you should be. This place is getting worse by the day. Good people can only endure so much crap. Whatever you do at Sun, do it somewhere else and be happier. I left and it was best thing I did, no regrets. I don’t wish anyone ill will at Sun because no one there is worth second thought except a couple former teammates who are also leaving soon. Had a new RSM that was an incompetent jerk. Good luck to all who stay and those looking to leave.

Stop worrying! Jesus is now running Sales!!

I’m relatively new to Ilumya team and already regretting decision. What is Jesus going to do to improve the Hub, FRMs, payer access? A lot of people feeling like we lost our moment and going to be really hard to turn around market share and HCP confidence. If it can be done great but there are doubts.