
I will be fine, but I just wish everyone were treated equally. It's wrong to give MW and NE a higher growth goal than the rest of the company just because they performed last year. Way to reward the losers, LW. If you don't start treating the winners better, you'll end up with a whole company full of underperforming whiners.

My goal can be hit, but this year bonuses will be cut so no matter if I hit goal or not it is going to be a hard pill to swallow. I have been told by other reps that LW is just a part time job for them and that many reps have second jobs. Is that true? I feel like I have to work 7 days a week to keep my head above water here and I am Stressed OUT

All of you who are saying "My goal is no problem" - you must be from the regions who got the tiny growth goals, if any. That, or your DOS gave you a personal break by reallocating your growth goal to someone else on the team because he likes you. I did very well last year. When I talk to my friends in other regions - it's obvious that my growth percentage is a lot higher than everyone else. It goes back to someone's previous comment about being valued. The culture at this company has changed a lot and not for the better. Yakov was tough to work for and of course mildly psychotic, but no one can deny that if you performed here, he took care of you. These Swiss guys are just the opposite... like socialists or something. If you're good, they screw you by demanding more and more. If you suck, they give you a break.

Seriously LW, it was a nice thought, but I do not want your lame President's Club trip. Give me the cash and I'll spend the time with my family. Forcing my wife to attend a work meeting in Nebraska (or wherever it is this year) is not my idea of a reward. Another example of the lack of integrity at LW: Bogart announced a trip to Switzerland earlier this year. How do they get away with changing the rules halfway through? Just add that to the list of lies they are telling the sales force.

Wow, what a meeting. Ongoing lack of clarity demonstrated by the Ivory Tower. 1.5% for maintenance? With all the issues and the poor follow through of the company, does anyone realize how difficult it is to be a LW customer, and stay one? So, if I don't hit goal, I'll be making less than a pharma rep, and with no new products in hand how are any of us supposed to do that? I'm curious to see how many people are over goal. Last year it used to be published with rankings. What exactly was motivating about this meeting other than the promise (same as last year and HRS) of new products?

This is why I just got a new job. Left this corrupt mess of a company and going back to pharma. May not be sexy but it's stable and normal. I'm sick of people getting fired here and there is no investment in the employees. In most industries, if someone makes a mistake, you try to fix the problem or rehabilitate them. Here, it's just the opposite. They search for reasons to get rid of anyone and believe the worst in people. It's just not a culture I can embrace. Later, LW!

Looks like Tyler and Fitz have saved the day. Comp plan being "FIXED"... Another example of the leadership here not being able to lead properly in the first place. Can we please just get a VP of Sales who understands our business and our people? Is it so much to ask that we promote someone from within the company who actually knows the history of the organization and can learn from past mistakes?

I wouldn't call those two useless just yet. Tyeler said he stood up to the management team, drew a hard line and is basically showing them who is boss. He is the only RSD who is highly respected by SV and not his team. Clearly these two are about to get us what we wanted so we should be celebrating them right now.

Celebrating what?? Going from 1.5% MB to where we were 2%? It is all BS, You all know we are screwed with the Swiss. Also, FYI...TD is respected by SV not for his performance, but Only because he fired half of his team to make SV happy and secure his job.

TD hates his job. Not sure why he wants to keep it. Never met anyone so bitter toward management. Fitz threatens to leave once a week. We are all tired of hearing about it... Then he posts some kind of feeley good "lets be part of the solution" kind of ramble and signs his name? Completely inconsistent with the Fitz I know. He must be going for VP.

Hey John? Cafe Pharma is not the place to do that!