Goals and Merit Increase


The market is full of eye care jobs. If goals come out high and we get a measly merit increase (2.5%). Good bye. I feel another mass exodus coming to B+L. Hold on Aerie, give us a couple weeks to see what happens. My bet is B+L drops the ball again and is reactive rather than proactive to market activity.

With Aerie looming, many are waiting to see goals and merit increases for the year. I have already interviewed with Aerie and their leadership is aware of the situation here. They are willing to wait and see if they can pick off more disgruntled reps once this info is shared. I would expect many resignations after this commission check payout if the goals and merit increase news is not good.

is that a threat??? Go ahead and leave, don’t wait for a softball goal to make up your mind. There are 1,000 x more quality sales reps that will do your job better than you . Bye Felicia

Ypu work for a bunch of scammers these are the games they play to fuck you. Year after year. Take a long summer break and do nothing. Pretend you are working and shaft them as they are shafting you. See you at the community pool. Trust me, the higher ups are getting big payouts and fucking you.

wrong. Work hard and you will be rewarded. Don’t work hard and complain about what you think is owed to you and you will be gone.... as you wish. You do not do brain surgery or split atoms. Stop complaining. Get to work. Stop complaining and get to work. ...And then stop complaining and get to work.

wrong. Work hard and you will be rewarded. Don’t work hard and complain about what you think is owed to you and you will be gone.... as you wish. You do not do brain surgery or split atoms. Stop complaining. Get to work. Stop complaining and get to work. ...And then stop complaining and get to work.

I don’t agree that you will be rewarded for working hard. You will be rewarded for getting to the top. That is always where the money is.

In any case, I do agree that people should stop complaining and get to work. Complaining is annoying and wastes time. I have never met a complainer who improved his situation from complaining. Either find a way to get to the top or find another job. It’s really that simple.