• Make it like cafepharma, but for different industries: over the years we’ve had suggestions for creating a site similar to cafepharma, but for different industries. Now there is a place. Check out CompanyUnderground for company forums in other industries. Don’t see a company? Request it here. Let your friends and family outside the pharma/medical sales space know they now have a safe, anonymous place to talk.

GNE Transformation plan


Thanks GNE for all the transformational stress. Word has it as many as 2/3 of the salesforce is now being targeted and many are now aggressively interviewing. If you have to take the Novartis job, seriously consider it. This no longer is the historical launch everyone thought they were in the midst of. From Amy’s pathetic emotional self-absorbed rant and other activities that would make anyone vomit, the one year anniversary was a abysmal failure. GNE is shooting themselves in the foot as they have just invested a lot of money in highly successful reps and more than likely will lose them one way or the other. As a previous poster stated, GNE have played their cards. There is no employee loyalty. GNE has now created a hostile working environment and making it difficult for everyone to perform their jobs. Interesting how all this is happening timed one year after the approval as if this was the plan from the beginning. If GNE hands you a resignation after transformation to sign think about taking a pass if the severance is crap.

Legitimate claims like age discrimination, may be in play here. Get all your notes and incidents together and begin to create a file. Many would argue the work environment is now hostile. Also, be careful before signing an agreement. You may wind up agreeing to something costing you more than the amount of your severance, such as a requirement to turn down a job offer from an MS competitor.

If you don’t understand everything in your severance agreement, you should have a lawyer review it. Many employment attorneys will work to negotiate a better package for you.

Don’t agree to an exit interview either. They may use your exit interview to cover themselves in case departing employees later claim discrimination or something illegal. GNE can’t make you go to one.

Thanks GNE for all the transformational stress. Word has it as many as 2/3 of the salesforce is now being targeted and many are now aggressively interviewing. If you have to take the Novartis job, seriously consider it. This no longer is the historical launch everyone thought they were in the midst of. From Amy’s pathetic emotional self-absorbed rant and other activities that would make anyone vomit, the one year anniversary was a abysmal failure. GNE is shooting themselves in the foot as they have just invested a lot of money in highly successful reps and more than likely will lose them one way or the other. As a previous poster stated, GNE have played their cards. There is no employee loyalty. GNE has now created a hostile working environment and making it difficult for everyone to perform their jobs. Interesting how all this is happening timed one year after the approval as if this was the plan from the beginning. If GNE hands you a resignation after transformation to sign think about taking a pass if the severance is crap.

Legitimate claims like age discrimination, may be in play here. Get all your notes and incidents together and begin to create a file. Many would argue the work environment is now hostile. Also, be careful before signing an agreement. You may wind up agreeing to something costing you more than the amount of your severance, such as a requirement to turn down a job offer from an MS competitor.

If you don’t understand everything in your severance agreement, you should have a lawyer review it. Many employment attorneys will work to negotiate a better package for you.

Don’t agree to an exit interview either. They may use your exit interview to cover themselves in case departing employees later claim discrimination or something illegal. GNE can’t make you go to one.

I promise you, HR is not interested in conducting exit interviews. Once your severance package is delivered, the only way you can talk to HR is if you hire a lawyer and communicate through your lawyer. All of the benefits such as medical, life insurance, pension ...are pushed off to different facilities, not HR.

I would encourage all who came over for the bait and switch Ocrevus Launch to consider signing on to the class action lawsuit. You will be hearing more about it after the infamous “July Announcement”. We will not allow Genentech to treat people this way. Fck them.

Haha class action! You're "at will employee" and can be let go atd anytime. Look, you went to Gene to make a lot of money and you did! Life isn't fair!

Wow. Are you really that sick of a person to laugh and wish ill will on people that have families to support financially? You’re really an ass and one day someone will be laughing at you.

Not laughing at your plight but at your class action nonsense as a strategy based on revenge. Look its a job, ok. You'll find another one. All the people I ever known who lost a job obtain a new one. Sure it may take some time but they all land on their feet and you're jumping the gun as you dont know whats going to happen.

Not laughing at your plight but at your class action nonsense as a strategy based on revenge. Look its a job, ok. You'll find another one. All the people I ever known who lost a job obtain a new one. Sure it may take some time but they all land on their feet and you're jumping the gun as you dont know whats going to happen.

Totally agree!

What's going on. I'm not on the sales side and have heard transformation was affecting mostly home office. I've been at GNE for three years now and there has been nothing but stress, layoffs and realignments. I wasn't worried about my role, but all this talk is making me nervous! WTF is happening to this company?