Was just thinking about this very topic. DR and Stenhouse days were fun and financially rewarding. Glad I got the f out. I hardly recognize any names here, which is sad considering that the group of people who built the company are long gone. Anyone who doesn't agree or calls names because of this post can eat a d.

Was just thinking about this very topic. DR and Stenhouse days were fun and financially rewarding. Glad I got the f out. I hardly recognize any names here, which is sad considering that the group of people who built the company are long gone. Anyone who doesn't agree or calls names because of this post can eat a d.
If you have been at Exact Sciences since 2019 or earlier we all knew an entirely different organization back then. Believe it or not it was FUN and incredibly financially rewarding. Yes it really was
Fun. Reps had a reasonably equal chance of competing for COE.

Nothing about this place now is the same.

If you have been at Exact Sciences since 2019 or earlier we all knew an entirely different organization back then. Believe it or not it was FUN and incredibly financially rewarding. Yes it really was
Fun. Reps had a reasonably equal chance of competing for COE.

Nothing about this place now is the same.
KC main priority is KC. Creating his dictatorship, where no one has fun, and no one makes money, except for overlord Conroy and his 16M+ bonus.

I love how HR sent out a LinkedIn post about "We're Hiring" right around the time of the earnings call. Shifting money around...layoffs to get the numbers to look good and claim we're hiring to investors.

Classic Kevin Conroy move. So f$cking sleazy.

need to get rid of most of the SDs. Go back to E, C, W. Reduce account mangers by 25 to 30 percent (maybe even more depending on market penetration). Reduce reps sin a similar fashion. SDs, if honest, recognize there are WAY too many. Part of the problem here is nobody has the balls to step up and say/do something. It’s all about protecting the job. It’s time to tear it down and rebuild a leaner and more profitable organization. It’s not that complicated KC. You don’t need expensive consultants. Find a few people that are willing to be honest. You have a bunch of sales managers that do not care about the long term success of this organization. It’s getting extremely frustrating watching the company and the culture crumble before our eyes.

need to get rid of most of the SDs. Go back to E, C, W. Reduce account mangers by 25 to 30 percent (maybe even more depending on market penetration). Reduce reps sin a similar fashion. SDs, if honest, recognize there are WAY too many. Part of the problem here is nobody has the balls to step up and say/do something. It’s all about protecting the job. It’s time to tear it down and rebuild a leaner and more profitable organization. It’s not that complicated KC. You don’t need expensive consultants. Find a few people that are willing to be honest. You have a bunch of sales managers that do not care about the long term success of this organization. It’s getting extremely frustrating watching the company and the culture crumble before our eyes.
Wow spot on! I vote for this person to replace Gute.

need to get rid of most of the SDs. Go back to E, C, W. Reduce account mangers by 25 to 30 percent (maybe even more depending on market penetration). Reduce reps sin a similar fashion. SDs, if honest, recognize there are WAY too many. Part of the problem here is nobody has the balls to step up and say/do something. It’s all about protecting the job. It’s time to tear it down and rebuild a leaner and more profitable organization. It’s not that complicated KC. You don’t need expensive consultants. Find a few people that are willing to be honest. You have a bunch of sales managers that do not care about the long term success of this organization. It’s getting extremely frustrating watching the company and the culture crumble before our eyes.
Right here! Yes, cut SD's and take them down to 3, maybe 4. That alone roughly saves 4.8M right there. Take down account managers to half of what there is, honestly half of them don't work and/or have no idea how to take care accounts. Cut down SSS' , no need to have so many for one 10 year old product. And gut HIT. Hire 2-3 WELL qualified HIT that can cover the country and work larger and more complex THS. Because as of right now, there is really nothing they bring to the table that the SAM's couldn't do, and the SAMs worth their salt are already doing all this on their own. That right there would save multimillions. We have too many people and all Gute talks about is lean. This company is made of 70% waste. Cut the waste, give people the opportunity to truly do their jobs & make money. This will lead to satisfaction at work. With those few things and add treating your field like they are meaningful is how you get a company that is behind the 8 ball in everything to build a machine of a sales force, and get us out of the slump we are in. It can happen and it's been done at other companies. The key is KC getting out of his own way. His way is not working. KC, accepting you do not know what you are doing, is the first step to recover, I know you want to be in politics, but please remember this isn't DC this is a company and his self survival is not a good look for someone who is supposed to be a "leader" of a company. Maybe get a senate seat, go to DC and screw over all the little men you want. You will fit in wonderfully. Just get out of running this company.

The best leaders know their weaknesses. KC is not a best leader.

Right here! Yes, cut SD's and take them down to 3, maybe 4. That alone roughly saves 4.8M right there. Take down account managers to half of what there is, honestly half of them don't work and/or have no idea how to take care accounts. Cut down SSS' , no need to have so many for one 10 year old product. And gut HIT. Hire 2-3 WELL qualified HIT that can cover the country and work larger and more complex THS. Because as of right now, there is really nothing they bring to the table that the SAM's couldn't do, and the SAMs worth their salt are already doing all this on their own. That right there would save multimillions. We have too many people and all Gute talks about is lean. This company is made of 70% waste. Cut the waste, give people the opportunity to truly do their jobs & make money. This will lead to satisfaction at work. With those few things and add treating your field like they are meaningful is how you get a company that is behind the 8 ball in everything to build a machine of a sales force, and get us out of the slump we are in. It can happen and it's been done at other companies. The key is KC getting out of his own way. His way is not working. KC, accepting you do not know what you are doing, is the first step to recover, I know you want to be in politics, but please remember this isn't DC this is a company and his self survival is not a good look for someone who is supposed to be a "leader" of a company. Maybe get a senate seat, go to DC and screw over all the little men you want. You will fit in wonderfully. Just get out of running this company.

The best leaders know their weaknesses. KC is not a best leader.
KC served the company really well as a very good salesperson who tugged on the emotional heartstrings and building a amazing vision of how we could change cancer. Investor dollars that were needed flowed.

But he's a horrible long term business strategist. He's still on the same playbook as when he started a decade ago, selling the mission and long term dream, but all the things he promised that would be delivered to continue to grow the company were flops or never launched. Hired 500 people without interviewing them, paid them more, caused a major culture rift and fired hundreds not long afterwards. Bought a junk company called Thrive for over 2 billion. Has head leaders leave with frustration in a 3 year cycle. Essentally shelved MCED.

Now culture is in the swamp, there are no upper leadership with any real vision- it's all become yes men, RSUs are mostly going away, stock is and will continue to be in the toilet as Kevin sells us as a growth stock to wall street (thus no profit) but anyone with half a brain is looking to get out but being picky.

It was fun while it lasted

KC served the company really well as a very good salesperson who tugged on the emotional heartstrings and building a amazing vision of how we could change cancer. Investor dollars that were needed flowed.

But he's a horrible long term business strategist. He's still on the same playbook as when he started a decade ago, selling the mission and long term dream, but all the things he promised that would be delivered to continue to grow the company were flops or never launched. Hired 500 people without interviewing them, paid them more, caused a major culture rift and fired hundreds not long afterwards. Bought a junk company called Thrive for over 2 billion. Has head leaders leave with frustration in a 3 year cycle. Essentally shelved MCED.

Now culture is in the swamp, there are no upper leadership with any real vision- it's all become yes men, RSUs are mostly going away, stock is and will continue to be in the toilet as Kevin sells us as a growth stock to wall street (thus no profit) but anyone with half a brain is looking to get out but being picky.

It was fun while it lasted
Well stayed.

Total joke. Do you know HR sent an email to people leaders right before the survey went out, telling them to make sure to recognize all members of the team with Bravo points, etc., Nice way to inflate numbers in the “I feel valued” and manager categories which, as I recall, were among the lowest scores in the past.

Nothing like trying to manipulate the workforce to inflate the numbers. Also an insult that they think we can be bought by a $25 worth of points. HR here is vile.