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glorius leaders and stockholders doing great


Wages are at a standstill for many Americans. Where incomes have grown, the gains have gone mainly to the top 10 percent of earners, according to the Federal Reserve. Banks that were bailed out during the financial crisis now have healthy balance sheets. Stock investors have enjoyed outsize gains. Corporations are posting strong profits, and CEOs are earning record paydays.

The disconnect "reflects the sense that a lot of major American institutions, including the government, aren't living in the same universe as we are," said Michael Strain, an economist at the conservative American Enterprise Institute.

We want to be paid for our suffering.

Wages are at a standstill for many Americans. Where incomes have grown, the gains have gone mainly to the top 10 percent of earners, according to the Federal Reserve. Banks that were bailed out during the financial crisis now have healthy balance sheets. Stock investors have enjoyed outsize gains. Corporations are posting strong profits, and CEOs are earning record paydays.

The disconnect "reflects the sense that a lot of major American institutions, including the government, aren't living in the same universe as we are," said Michael Strain, an economist at the conservative American Enterprise Institute.

We want to be paid for our suffering.

You see that is the problem with the people who vote Democrat. They fall for the hope and change propaganda machine about income and racial inequality, wars, and fiscal irresponsibility only to see them all exacerbated to the nth degree by the very man who they were so very sure was going to make things better.

Without results, all the beautiful speeches and feel good rhetoric is just bull excrement.

You see that is the problem with the people who vote Democrat. They fall for the hope and change propaganda machine about income and racial inequality, wars, and fiscal irresponsibility only to see them all exacerbated to the nth degree by the very man who they were so very sure was going to make things better.

Without results, all the beautiful speeches and feel good rhetoric is just bull excrement.

Without innovative products, all the talk is pretty much also like you say.

R&D is toast. With bull excrement on it.

A whole army of new graduate rent-a-scientists won't help, don't even bother trying

You see that is the problem with the people who vote Democrat. They fall for the hope and change propaganda machine about income and racial inequality, wars, and fiscal irresponsibility only to see them all exacerbated to the nth degree by the very man who they were so very sure was going to make things better.

Without results, all the beautiful speeches and feel good rhetoric is just bull excrement.

Have you seen the new reps and mgt team? All Obama voters. That's why it will be hilarious to see them get the ax. Our talent pool is rock bottom and is shows in our sales.

Is everybody happy? Well, are you happy?
We're having a party and everyone's welcome
And if you've got no friends I'm sure we'll invent some
It's things and then it's places
Not people and their faces
It's things and then it's places
Not people and their faces. And are you happy?

Is everybody happy? Well, are you happy?
We're having a party and everyone's welcome
And if you've got no friends I'm sure we'll invent some
It's things and then it's places
Not people and their faces
It's things and then it's places
Not people and their faces. And are you happy?

...everybody's happpy now...