Global Warming FIXED

Yeah, but Goober Warming effects La Nina too. And El Nino and Hurricanes and........ (insert whatever weather event the libs want).

It isn't about science, it is about controlling the lives of people. In the end, I am convinced that liberals have a visceral hatred for black people.

1) They formed the KKK
2) They passed Jim Crow laws
3) They blocked Civil Rights legislation
4) They oppose school choice for black people to get their children out of failing public schools
5) They oppose the use of the most effective insecticide every discovered (DDT) which leads to millions of blacks dying from malaria every year
6) They oppose industrialization in Africa which would bring millions of blacks out of poverty

The question is why do liberals hate blacks so much?

But the data is clear - global temperatures are rising, ocean temperatures are rising, oceans are acidifying because of CO2 absorption, glaciers are in retreat worldwide, plant life has been documented in expanding or contracting ranges into higher latitudes and altitudes worldwide, and all of this is going pretty much as predicted twenty or thirty years ago. The mechanism has been clarified over the last two decades - CO2 increases in the atmosphere because of fossil fuel burning.

The globe is getting warmer, and the main reason is humans and fossil fuel burning. Its not really a debatable scientific issue, no matter what the weatherman on the weather channel says.

But the data is clear - global temperatures are rising, ocean temperatures are rising, oceans are acidifying because of CO2 absorption, glaciers are in retreat worldwide, plant life has been documented in expanding or contracting ranges into higher latitudes and altitudes worldwide, and all of this is going pretty much as predicted twenty or thirty years ago. The mechanism has been clarified over the last two decades - CO2 increases in the atmosphere because of fossil fuel burning.

The globe is getting warmer, and the main reason is humans and fossil fuel burning. Its not really a debatable scientific issue, no matter what the weatherman on the weather channel says.

I come to believe that they know this, but they’re living the “big lie”. The debate should move beyond arguing with such types, its a waste of time, to understanding the psychology and motivations of those who chose to live this lie. Is it religion, fear, or something more sinister?

I come to believe that they know this, but they’re living the “big lie”. The debate should move beyond arguing with such types, its a waste of time, to understanding the psychology and motivations of those who chose to live this lie. Is it religion, fear, or something more sinister?

Its quite simple. Its a combination of self deception and willful ignorance because they realize that having to reduce fossil fuel use will result in mildly unpleasant sacrifice. This gets aided by the big money behind fossil fuels funding conservative pundits who furiously work on denial propaganda.

Its quite simple. Its a combination of self deception and willful ignorance because they realize that having to reduce fossil fuel use will result in mildly unpleasant sacrifice. This gets aided by the big money behind fossil fuels funding conservative pundits who furiously work on denial propaganda.

True, and when their party is owned by one of the biggest polluters in the world, the Koch Brothers, its obvious its a coordinated propaganda campaign from the top down. From your gazzilionaire Koch brothers to your toothless teabagger protesting with a misspelled sign. Straight out of the Mein Kampf playbook.

Its quite simple. Its a combination of self deception and willful ignorance because they realize that having to reduce fossil fuel use will result in mildly unpleasant sacrifice. This gets aided by the big money behind fossil fuels funding conservative pundits who furiously work on denial propaganda.

mildly unpleasant sacrifice giving up fossil fuels?

Are you serious? Mildly unpleasant?

Where do you think the economic growth this country has seen comes from? What do you think fueled it? Caterpillar piss?

Are you really that fucking dense? Seriously? Have you seen what happened to Spain when they went "Green"? Their unemployment rate is 20%. They lost 2.2 jobs for every "green" job they supposedly created.

Seriously, are you that ignorant?

mildly unpleasant sacrifice giving up fossil fuels?

Are you serious? Mildly unpleasant?

Where do you think the economic growth this country has seen comes from? What do you think fueled it? Caterpillar piss?

Are you really that fucking dense? Seriously? Have you seen what happened to Spain when they went "Green"? Their unemployment rate is 20%. They lost 2.2 jobs for every "green" job they supposedly created.

Seriously, are you that ignorant?

Yeah. Mildly unpleasant. Fuel efficient cars. A focus on public transportation. Electricity conservation. Higher taxes (Oh! The horror!) to pay for investment in alternative energy sources. Of course, the longer the denial goes for, the worse its gonna get.

Spain's unemployment rate has been high for decades. And some people will experience more pain than others, especially those who are tied to the old energy systems.

mildly unpleasant sacrifice giving up fossil fuels?

Are you serious? Mildly unpleasant?

Where do you think the economic growth this country has seen comes from? What do you think fueled it? Caterpillar piss?

Are you really that fucking dense? Seriously? Have you seen what happened to Spain when they went "Green"? Their unemployment rate is 20%. They lost 2.2 jobs for every "green" job they supposedly created.

Seriously, are you that ignorant?

The cost of doing nothing is far more damaging to the economy then investing in new clean and renewable energy sources, have you ever taken that into account dipshit?

Yeah. Mildly unpleasant. Fuel efficient cars. A focus on public transportation. Electricity conservation. Higher taxes (Oh! The horror!) to pay for investment in alternative energy sources. Of course, the longer the denial goes for, the worse its gonna get.

Spain's unemployment rate has been high for decades. And some people will experience more pain than others, especially those who are tied to the old energy systems.

So as long as it isn't YOU experiencing the pain right puddin?

Like a good liberal, sacrifice is for others, never you.

What are you going to do without to sacrifice to save the planet?

What are you going to give up?

1) Computer?
2) iPad?
3) iPhone?
4) kids cell phones?
5) How many of your TVs?
6) DVR?
7) How many refrigerators do you have?
8) Are you taking public transportation?
9) Washing machine?
10) HVAC system in your house?
11) Dryer?
12) Will you downsize to a 900 sq foot dwelling?

Come on puddin tell us what you are sacrificing today? Right now? Come on wit it. Show us how committed you are to this science you claim exists.

You should be doing all of it. Or are you the Cockadoodle Who type who will say "Well, what I do really won't make a difference, I need to wait for the gobblement to force us all"?

I bet I know the answer

The cost of doing nothing is far more damaging to the economy then investing in new clean and renewable energy sources, have you ever taken that into account dipshit?

Wrong as usual. You truly are dense. We don't have a AGW problem. Any significant temp rises are out of our control. The "cure" would be worse than the "disease".

But you are dedicated to the false religion of AGW, so you'll never get it!

"'puddin"? I guess I didnt realize how childish this board was.

Sorry to bother you. Go back to your fake dream world devoid of actual facts and reason.

All that I asked, and you took offense from "puddin"? Seriously?

That is how you are going to weasle out of this?


Thanks for the laughs, I am guessing you will be heading to more sophisticated pastures.

"'puddin"? I guess I didnt realize how childish this board was.

Sorry to bother you. Go back to your fake dream world devoid of actual facts and reason.

Dealing with "facts" have never really been the strong suit of your side of the isle. I'm gonna let you in on a little secret.....................................................................its called........................................................WEATHER. And this will really shock everyone. TOMORROWS "WEATHER" WILL BE DIFFERENT THAN TODAYS. And this spring will be different than last spring. This summer will be different than last summer. It's called weather and the fact that you dolts think by wiping your ass with a leaf or going to solar (which btw is now being restricted by environmentalists is Cali) is going to alter on nut hair what weather we are having is trully the definition of a gOD COMPLEX. Now when tomorrows weather is different than today's I will wait for everyone of you dipshits to line up and call me a prophet.

True, and when their party is owned by one of the biggest polluters in the world, the Koch Brothers, its obvious its a coordinated propaganda campaign from the top down. From your gazzilionaire Koch brothers to your toothless teabagger protesting with a misspelled sign. Straight out of the Mein Kampf playbook.

You left out jew-hating anti-semites as well ILA.