Global Survey Results


Sandy is blaming the poor results on the Pandemic, instead of taking ownership of his failed policies around metrics.
Way to go Sandy. Can’t wait to see what new metric you will come up with in 2Q….S2S, VAE, CLM, suggestions, reach, frequency…. What’s next?

It’s unbelievable what a mess has been made by HR and how many talented people have left for our competitors. Now Frenchie says they want to see everyone back in the home office while also saying they will work on some demented form of empowerment. The US is a joke. Never seen so many unhappy people.

Managing by fear, stealing our bonus money, unrealistic metrics, spamming our customers with emails & begging for S2S while we are in the offices. Always a fire drill. BI culture destroyed in the last year. Why is everyone so afraid of dictator SS? Get rid of him & save the company