Glaxo buys Novartis’ share of consumer healthcare JV


GlaxoSmithKline, which holds about a two-thirds share in the Consumer Healthcare business JV with its partner Novartis, plans to acquire the rest of the 36.5% stake held by Novartis for $13 billion.

Novartis paid 16B for our onco portfolio, we paid 13 B for consumer goods portfolio. Onco products (Votrient, Promacta, etc.) divested make over 3B annually, 12B since the sale. I’m pretty sure whe got the short end of the stick when you calculate net to net profit. Thanks twitty, thanks Emma.

Witty still owns this OTC debacle. Dude was born with a silver spoon up his ass and thinks he can save the world. His myopic mindset has cost GSK employees jobs, homes and in some cases their lives. Meanwhile he was knighted. It was kinda like Obama winning a Nobel Peace Prize. Both did nothing but hurt the people they were supposed to protect. Then political correctness took over and they were rewarded. Life aint fair.

Why not leave the poor man alone and live in the present. There are many like you who were fired and hate the company. Get over it.
Get over it? Twitty got a multimillion dollar package when he was forced out. He humiliated GSK with the China scandal. He had a less than innovative R&D leadership while CEO. He sold the most innovative and exciting area, oncology, for a handful of beans while holding his little beanstalk in his hand. His legacy? Cute slogans such as “white pills for western markets”, incompetent R & D leaders such as Moncef, and the infamous “Volume Strategy”.

Witty still owns this OTC debacle. Dude was born with a silver spoon up his ass and thinks he can save the world. His myopic mindset has cost GSK employees jobs, homes and in some cases their lives. Meanwhile he was knighted. It was kinda like Obama winning a Nobel Peace Prize. Both did nothing but hurt the people they were supposed to protect. Then political correctness took over and they were rewarded. Life aint fair.

Lost credibility of opinion with political editorializing.