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Glass Ceiling: Fewer Women Run Big Companies Than Men Named John



Glass Ceiling: Fewer Women Run Big Companies Than Men Named John

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Hey, NY Times... Thanks for spinning H. Rodham Clinton's platform for her!

Could y'all BE more transparent? I can't wait to see the articles spinning out of the East Coast rags and Big Three news shows about women in leadership, women in politics, etc. for the next 8 months. And then…come next November….THE ANSWER will be revealed.

Hey, NY Times... Thanks for spinning H. Rodham Clinton's platform for her!

Could y'all BE more transparent? I can't wait to see the articles spinning out of the East Coast rags and Big Three news shows about women in leadership, women in politics, etc. for the next 8 months. And then…come next November….THE ANSWER will be revealed.

Well y'all... when you figure that the CEO and BOD are nuthin' more than puppets of Wall Street, well, why not have a figure head that's a little easier on the eyes, if ya know what I mean. Plus we'd probably get a nice big discount on salary