Giving notice


If I am in good standing with AZ and give them 2 weeks notice as I plan to do, will they let me stay the 2 weeks or should I expect differently. Trying to figure out which car to buy, etc. I wouldn't be surprised if they let me go sooner than 2 weeks but wanted an opportunity to say goodbye to customers too.


If I am in good standing with AZ and give them 2 weeks notice as I plan to do, will they let me stay the 2 weeks or should I expect differently. Trying to figure out which car to buy, etc. I wouldn't be surprised if they let me go sooner than 2 weeks but wanted an opportunity to say goodbye to customers too.

For those that left for Sepracor and gave notice they fired on the spot. I would not trust Astrasatanica.

Used to be they might let you stay but I believe you would be gone after they get the paperwork ready. It took 2 days for me for an outside company to pick up my car and then was sent something to mail my computer back in.

If I am in good standing with AZ and give them 2 weeks notice as I plan to do, will they let me stay the 2 weeks or should I expect differently. Trying to figure out which car to buy, etc. I wouldn't be surprised if they let me go sooner than 2 weeks but wanted an opportunity to say goodbye to customers too.

probably a few days for Manager to will be payed up to the date you declare as your last day......unlikely that you'll be reequired to go into the field.

There are no hard and fast rules on this one. Nothing written in your contract and it pretty much rises and falls on your manager (and RSD). I gave two weeks notice and was asked to stay on during the duration.

For those that left for Sepracor and gave notice they fired on the spot. I would not trust Astrasatanica.

ASTRASATANICA!! Man that is great. You thought that up by yourself? Sorry you are not AZ material. You were Thinking!! Great name, love it! Now stop being so creative and go click, click, click, on TSI thats how you win the right way. (ASTRASATANICA, now that is funny, I don't are who you are!) LOL.