Now that marketing is in place they are putting in sales management with DMs up in January then reps in February
Now that marketing is in place they are putting in sales management with DMs up in January then reps in February
Now that marketing is in place they are putting in sales management with DMs up in January then reps in February
Why would they hire any of you schmucks, you are all unethical and should be ashamed to be in your profession. Guess it was all about the dollar for you. You could have cared less if somebody got killed just soo long as you got that script. You knew what was going on. And the doctors that are on your payroll should be sued.
you guys all stink. none are you are worthy of joining gilead
Then why did vertex feel the need to try to lock us up with 3 year retention bonuses?
Then why did vertex feel the need to try to lock us up with 3 year retention bonuses?
Clueless moron. You will be fired before October before you see a dime. Incivek will be irrelevant by then. You are very dumb.