Gilead Oncology next company to hire us away from the cheapest company in the industr


Gilead is building out an Oncology Sales Unit for their PI3k inhibitory for NHL and CML. Anyone left from Allos or the old pre-Joe/Ken/Bobby debacle of a sales team structure should pay close attention.

They are in the process of hiring the sales management team and I'm sure if you know speciality lymphoma / leukemia you will be approached.

Hopefully my crazy ass new boss (B) will not apply for this Midwest position. These Gilead RSD jobs just posted and reps to follow shortly thereafter. Heard they give RSU for a $65 stock which mean real $$$ not the silly 2000 options we reps get at Spectrum to sell old non-growth drugs.

see link below. You sales managers that know this specialty I hope you all apply. I have 4 friends in sales at Gilead that have been there for years. Wealthy, happy and appreciated.

copy this link for proof:

Re: Gilead Oncology next company to hire us away from the cheapest company in the ind

wow.......maybe if Spectrum actually shared some of the stock with those that ring the cash register we may not even look at this site.


DONT BE can't hire newbies to sell the non Fusilev products. It takes clinical knowledge and relationships to make a difference in oncology No ego here .... just the truth.

I am so out of here with Pharmacyclics or Gilead!

Re: Gilead Oncology next company to hire us away from the cheapest company in the ind

Bye bye Dr. Raj.......not so sure diluting the clinical sales team with Fusilev your or Ken's best idea.

I will leave because $$$ talk and Spectrum doesn't give me any reason to stay. Other companies pay more and give me stock. Funny how you wouldn't want to give me stock to feel ownership.

I know at least 8-10 reps reps here who got called this week. Sorry. Actions and $$$ speak more than rhetoric. Haven't seen anything material from you.

wall street will see this when they see all the people leaving next 2-3 months. Kiss Zev good bye.....the oral drugs will kill Zev. that's why you've seen shit sales last 3 years b/c of the oral clinical trials.

Folotyn has a chance but all that other shit you want us to sell gives us no time.

Marqibo.....20 centers in the US see all these pts. Target and don't dilute people's efforts.

This is free advice from a well seasoned sales professional who thought you'd make it worth my while to stay. I have offer in hand and will milk it next 3 months to get my end of year payout.

Listen to the front line. we are your best source of info. BTW....heard Joe didn't even know who Gilead and Pharmacyclics were and the fact their drugs will take over NHL market this year and any off label CLL Zevalin business. Keep selling Fusilev gang!!!!!
Later from a disappointed employee that is a top performer.

Re: Gilead Oncology next company to hire us away from the cheapest company in the ind

Sounds like a recruiter or recruiters are trying to poach us away from the flock.

Re: Gilead Oncology next company to hire us away from the cheapest company in the ind

Bye bye Dr. Raj.......not so sure diluting the clinical sales team with Fusilev your or Ken's best idea.

I will leave because $$$ talk and Spectrum doesn't give me any reason to stay. Other companies pay more and give me stock. Funny how you wouldn't want to give me stock to feel ownership.

I know at least 8-10 reps reps here who got called this week. Sorry. Actions and $$$ speak more than rhetoric. Haven't seen anything material from you.

wall street will see this when they see all the people leaving next 2-3 months. Kiss Zev good bye.....the oral drugs will kill Zev. that's why you've seen shit sales last 3 years b/c of the oral clinical trials.

Folotyn has a chance but all that other shit you want us to sell gives us no time.

Marqibo.....20 centers in the US see all these pts. Target and don't dilute people's efforts.

This is free advice from a well seasoned sales professional who thought you'd make it worth my while to stay. I have offer in hand and will milk it next 3 months to get my end of year payout.

Listen to the front line. we are your best source of info. BTW....heard Joe didn't even know who Gilead and Pharmacyclics were and the fact their drugs will take over NHL market this year and any off label CLL Zevalin business. Keep selling Fusilev gang!!!!!
Later from a disappointed employee that is a top performer.

Most of us are out of here ASAP. We are all waiting for the 3rd Quarter numbers Tuesday. No respect here and stupid azz Kim Lo keeps messing up field operations, makes it harder for us to do our jobs. Wonder what he's working on next. Now that there will be a separate Lymph sales force, lets hope Kim Lo has nothing to do with territory alignment. If so, it will be just as messed up as Veeva was after April '13.

Re: Gilead Oncology next company to hire us away from the cheapest company in the ind

I'm looking for some advice on the recruiting process.

I applied for a Regional Business Manager position on the east coast, but I have not heard anything and it's been about a week.

Any suggestions on who to contact?

Is this normal for the recruiting process?


Re: Gilead Oncology next company to hire us away from the cheapest company in the ind

I'm looking for some advice on the recruiting process.

I applied for a Regional Business Manager position on the east coast, but I have not heard anything and it's been about a week.

Any suggestions on who to contact?

Is this normal for the recruiting process?


O geez, dont b getn ur titties in a twist. wez jes gotta gets couplea rezumes ta makes it look likes wez relly doing ours bestest ta fine plple whoze neva wurked fo amgen. yours rezume iz impotant to uz buts u aint gettn hired less n u gots da in wid us from havn amgen on yous rezume. nodda way iz ta wear goofy socks cuz i loves goofy socks!