Gilead buys Kite Pharma leaving Amgen in the dust


Amgen BD did not put up a meaningful bid for Kite Pharma. They are saving up $$$ after tax reform for a mega merger with another large pharma. That large pharma will take over Amgen and decide your fate. Hope you got enough cash. Better list your TO home now before the market is flooded.

a loss for kite. Amgen would have overpaid for it by another 10 billion. How could all the former amgen people be so dumb? Maybe they actually wanted to see the product succeed.

Amgen BD did not put up a meaningful bid for Kite Pharma. They are saving up $$$ after tax reform for a mega merger with another large pharma. That large pharma will take over Amgen and decide your fate. Hope you got enough cash. Better list your TO home now before the market is flooded.

Uh, why would Amgen need to save up tax reform money if they are being acquired by a larger pharma? If, on the other hand, Amgen was the acquiring company, they would not necessarily have to move the HQ. Also, tax reform, if it occurs, will probably eliminate the practice of inversion acquisitions going forward.

Uh, why would Amgen need to save up tax reform money if they are being acquired by a larger pharma? If, on the other hand, Amgen was the acquiring company, they would not necessarily have to move the HQ. Also, tax reform, if it occurs, will probably eliminate the practice of inversion acquisitions going forward.

Dumbass - tax reform is a one time tax holiday to bring in $$.

Amgen is awaiting to see all their options for merger or whether they want to be a buyer.

Dumbass - tax reform is a one time tax holiday to bring in $$.

Amgen is awaiting to see all their options for merger or whether they want to be a buyer.

You have no idea what you're talking about and I'm the dumbass? You do know that mergers have not been allowed under GAAP since the early 2000s. I guess not. One or the other company has to be the "acquirer". Let me guess, C+ average in business administration from University of Nevada, Las Vegas?

You have no idea what you're talking about and I'm the dumbass? You do know that mergers have not been allowed under GAAP since the early 2000s. I guess not. One or the other company has to be the "acquirer". Let me guess, C+ average in business administration from University of Nevada, Las Vegas?

No merger's since the early 2000s... I will downgrade you from dumbass to dumbfuck

Merck, Schering-Plough set to complete merger
Pfizer to Acquire Wyeth, Creating the World's Premier Biopharmaceutical Company


No merger's since the early 2000s... I will downgrade you from dumbass to dumbfuck

Merck, Schering-Plough set to complete merger
Pfizer to Acquire Wyeth, Creating the World's Premier Biopharmaceutical Company

Hey numbnuts, your reading comprehension isn't too good. Pfizer acquired Wyeth. Schering-Plough acquired Merck after Merck loaned them the money to do a reverse acquisition.

The deal was structured that way in an attempt to evade giving full rights for Remicade and Simponi back to JNJ. The underhanded ploy failed and the new "Merck" lost the rights. But to know any of these things, you would have had to have learned more along the way than your limited capabilities allowed.

Hey numbnuts, your reading comprehension isn't too good. Pfizer acquired Wyeth. Schering-Plough acquired Merck after Merck loaned them the money to do a reverse acquisition.

The deal was structured that way in an attempt to evade giving full rights for Remicade and Simponi back to JNJ. The underhanded ploy failed and the new "Merck" lost the rights. But to know any of these things, you would have had to have learned more along the way than your limited capabilities allowed.

You don't think a similar deal will happen with Amgen? Amgen's commercial prowess minus monopoly drugs is pretty pathetic. TO is not a life science hub. Bob is going to sell Amgen. It's just a matter of time between now and 2020. I am betting on an AZ / Amgen merger. Regardless of who is in office, the long term tax rate of the UK is better than when democrats take over in 4 years and tax shit out of every company to make up for Trump.

Amgen has bought 5 or 6 companies and hasn't got shit in return.

Pharmassets Solvadi/Harvoni is the greatest one trick pony.

You can't make any omlet without breaking eggs. Amgen has a history of buying rotten eggs, then because it can't cook (execute - see Kyprolis) adds the eggs shells to the rotten egg mix and then serve it as overpriced faux fancy food. Payers, patients see the BS and call Amgen out but Sean Harper and Jeff Offman pretend that what they are serving a 5-star Michelin table fare.

For once Amgen did the right thing by not entering into a bidding way. Kite are one trick pony and there's no way Gilead get a return on that $12B

Spot on comment. Gilead overpaid big time. Novartis will execute far better than Kite who has a bunch of ex-Amgen turds running critical departments. Only value Gilead can get is the PS group. Remainder of Ops is a joke. IT is Even worse. JI and CS take credit for things that were done well before showing up. And everyone else only cares about how much money they have to make.

Spot on comment. Gilead overpaid big time. Novartis will execute far better than Kite who has a bunch of ex-Amgen turds running critical departments. Only value Gilead can get is the PS group. Remainder of Ops is a joke. IT is Even worse. JI and CS take credit for things that were done well before showing up. And everyone else only cares about how much money they have to make.

You are fucking dumb. They have different indication so they are not competing dumbass. They also have other pipeline CART agents as well. That’s upside not factored to heavily in the valuation.

You are fucking dumb. They have different indication so they are not competing dumbass. They also have other pipeline CART agents as well. That’s upside not factored to heavily in the valuation.

They struck a nerve...I think you are the one who is dumb. Novartis will eat Kite’s lunch once CTL019 is approved. And don’t forget Juno. It isn’t about pipeline, it’s about execution once a therapy is approved. It’s welllnown that the are ex-Amgen Core running SC at Kite don’t know what they are doing (go ask Commercial) and Gilead’s SC doesn’t have the experience. Not to mention they only have a handlful of approved sites to administer Yescarta. Gilead overpaid.

You are fucking dumb. They have different indication so they are not competing dumbass. They also have other pipeline CART agents as well. That’s upside not factored to heavily in the valuation.

You are missing the point of the original poster numbnuts. Once CTL019 is approved, Novartis will execute far better than Kite. Not to mention JCAR017. The ex-Amgen crew in SC don’t have a clue, ask Commercial. And 16 sites to treat shows they don’t have their ducks in a row. Facts are facts, Gilead overpaid.

You are missing the point of the original poster numbnuts. Once CTL019 is approved, Novartis will execute far better than Kite. Not to mention JCAR017. The ex-Amgen crew in SC don’t have a clue, ask Commercial. And 16 sites to treat shows they don’t have their ducks in a row. Facts are facts, Gilead overpaid.

Who is SC?

Juno is all Amgen led by Azelby so by this posters logic it will also be botched there too