GI posiiton

Saw a GI director position posted for my area. What is the salary range and realistic first year bonus. Thanks for the replies!

It doesn't matter what the pay is the survailence is nonstop from the top down. GPS monitoring, call reports every day for every phone call you make plus daily pipeline updates and conference calls to the point you can't focus on sales. The culture is warped from the top down, Run!!!!

Your micro management and lack of industry knowledge has taken a great group of people down the crapper. There is no loyalty left, the only profits made off this management has been made by the resume services. The Jap's need to give you a sword to fall on and do everyone a big favor!! I think you need to quit.

Really? Biatch is what you stoop to? Anywho, considering "their" calculator has worked well before, Im not too worried :)

Keep drinking the kool-aid. This place is the most unprofessional organization I have ever worked for. I'm only here until I get a new job. The one post was spot-on. Micro-managing worse than big Pfizer on steroids.

Really! Really! When you stoop to name calling and denial about what’s going on around you makes you the village idiot! I think someone has struck a nerve with you. Maybe management isn’t for you. I think door greeter training on the new Titanic/Miraca Life Sciences is in your future.