Getting those daxa blues again


Three months after New Zealand’s pharmaceutical management agency agreed to place the new Pradaxa bloodthinner on its formuarly, the Boehringer Ingelheim drug is being linked to two deaths and reports of dozens of elderly patients suffering bleeds. And some doctors say the Pharmac agency may have put lives at risk by funding Pradaxa before more was known about managing side effects.


Here we go again - New product full of promise trips up right out of the gate

2 deaths out of 10,000 users is pretty good especially since it's an anticoagulant and maybe the 2 had severe kidney problems and shouldn't have been on that dose, numbnutz. Why don't you laid-off BI HAS-BEENS give it a rest already?

It's not the 2 deaths that are worrisome from a business perspective it the other part of the story:

Other patients, mostly older than 75, have experienced symptoms such as coughing up blood, rectal bleeding and bleeding around the brain, the paper writes. Some improved after they stopped taking Pradaxa but others needed multiple blood transfusions and, in some cases, there were major surgery complications

Events such as these will send physicians running back to warfarin

It's not the 2 deaths that are worrisome from a business perspective it the other part of the story:

Other patients, mostly older than 75, have experienced symptoms such as coughing up blood, rectal bleeding and bleeding around the brain, the paper writes. Some improved after they stopped taking Pradaxa but others needed multiple blood transfusions and, in some cases, there were major surgery complications

Events such as these will send physicians running back to warfarin

Events like these happen on warfarin too. Do you want to know a little secret why? It's because they are BOTH freakin' anticoagulants, numbnutz. If you don't work for BI anymore please stop posting to this site, your ignorance of science justifies to us why you no longer work here.

The over 75 crowd see a net benefit from being switched to Pradaxa. Stop trying to scare people with your posts; just find another job and move on with your life, it's embarrassing for you.

Twice you used the word "numbnutz" - hard to argue with that. Your sophisticated comebacks are reflective of a greater intelligence. I acquiesce to your argument. But please let me have the last word - double numbnutz on you.

XARELTO PI.............

7.2 Drug-Disease Interactions with Drugs that Inhibit Cytochrome P450 3A4
Enzymes and Drug Transport Systems
Based on simulated pharmacokinetic data, patients with renal impairment
receiving XARELTO with drugs that are combined P-gp and weak or moderate
CYP3A4 inhibitors (e.g., erythromycin, azithromycin, diltiazem, verapamil,
quinidine, ranolazine, dronedarone, amiodarone, and felodipine), may have
significant increases in exposure compared with patients with normal renal
function and no inhibitor use, since both pathways of rivaroxaban elimination are
affected. Since these increases may increase bleeding risk, use XARELTO in this
situation only if the potential


Damn, so if my Card wants to manage my AFib with Xarelto he then has to discontinue my other AFib medications like dronedarion, amiodarone, quinidine, verapamil????????? Why would I seriously want to take xarelto for AFib when it comes out when I can take all of these other CONCOMITANT medications on Pradaxa? I just don't get it.

XARELTO PI.............

7.2 Drug-Disease Interactions with Drugs that Inhibit Cytochrome P450 3A4
Enzymes and Drug Transport Systems
Based on simulated pharmacokinetic data, patients with renal impairment
receiving XARELTO with drugs that are combined P-gp and weak or moderate
CYP3A4 inhibitors (e.g., erythromycin, azithromycin, diltiazem, verapamil,
quinidine, ranolazine, dronedarone, amiodarone, and felodipine), may have
significant increases in exposure compared with patients with normal renal
function and no inhibitor use, since both pathways of rivaroxaban elimination are
affected. Since these increases may increase bleeding risk, use XARELTO in this
situation only if the potential


Damn, so if my Card wants to manage my AFib with Xarelto he then has to discontinue my other AFib medications like dronedarion, amiodarone, quinidine, verapamil????????? Why would I seriously want to take xarelto for AFib when it comes out when I can take all of these other CONCOMITANT medications on Pradaxa? I just don't get it.

first off you haveno clue, will get it when you loose all of your share..Pradaxa dismissed..