Getting excited for the NSM!

Can’t wait to get certified and launch !!!!
JM and his yes men aren’t ready. No one ever challenged the disastrous decision of BlinkRx confusing patients and doctors to ONLY USE BlinkRx. Instead of just protecting the drug Brand Livalo and telling physicians 90 days DAW. Instead the incompetent leadership forced reps to harass physicians to only use BlinkRx which confused patients and ultimately failed. Also the 2nd failure of Seglentis. The failure of assuming all pharmacy’s in the U.S. would automatically stock a new branded opioid with bad data. Just fill them as generics. Managed care did not care. Not one single plan picked it up. All the good reps got burnt out and left or retired. The marketing team is high school level only one guy (rusty). The managed care team is nonexistent. Leadership has experience with no other pharmaceutical companies. They are in over their heads. JM is good at one thing. Leaving Japan in the dark for so many years.

JM and his yes men aren’t ready. No one ever challenged the disastrous decision of BlinkRx confusing patients and doctors to ONLY USE BlinkRx. Instead of just protecting the drug Brand Livalo and telling physicians 90 days DAW. Instead the incompetent leadership forced reps to harass physicians to only use BlinkRx which confused patients and ultimately failed. Also the 2nd failure of Seglentis. The failure of assuming all pharmacy’s in the U.S. would automatically stock a new branded opioid with bad data. Just fill them as generics. Managed care did not care. Not one single plan picked it up. All the good reps got burnt out and left or retired. The marketing team is high school level only one guy (rusty). The managed care team is nonexistent. Leadership has experience with no other pharmaceutical companies. They are in over their heads. JM is good at one thing. Leaving Japan in the dark for so many years.
Don’t you get tired of regurgitating the same old crap? Does your therapist know how sick you are?

We get it. You’re a manager. They add little to no value at Kowa. Just an extra person in the already crowded lunch room or hallway to annoy the doctor more until they kick all reps out.
Nope! Not a DM or anything close. Just sick of the criticism over and over. Repeat on blast. It’s sickening. We can never have a semi serious discussion here because of that guy and his mental issues.

Nope! Not a DM or anything close. Just sick of the criticism over and over. Repeat on blast. It’s sickening. We can never have a semi serious discussion here because of that guy and his mental issues.
It’s a freaking skin foam. It’s not going to save lives like the other past drugs that provided value to patients. So it’s not that deep. Move on Mr. triggered.