Ok.. Really? Who is the dip Shit? Perhaps you don't get it as well-- which is really sad. Top rep moved 13k (Veri & Zam).. Several Territories during the summer are pushing 1,000+ scripts of tussinex and you're calling our business seasonal? Brother, you got it all wrong. Maybe seeing business opportunities isn't your forte. The same coloring book will be available for you as well. If you FOCUS on the new products you will make twice-Three X as much business as you lost for all of the products combined. Wake up bud. You got great coverage, with an exclusive product for something that will fill a void-- which is in high demand. AND you're worried about products that have the worst commercial coverage (tier 3's at best) with top rep doing 13K? Really? If that's what your goal is for this product damn, the company is in trouble. Both of you Cut from the same scissors huh? Ain't a damn person pissing in my cereal. Just tired of hearing people complain about things that are out of our control- instead of focusing on what we have and making it grow exponentially. Otherwise, we're gonna end up like the other small pharma companies. Be Good or Be Gone my friend