
I can't believe you guys are stilll co-promoting this drug with Takeda reps! They are not talking about this drug at all in their offices!!! I sold Amitiza and was very successful doing so. It was my lead product and docs like to talk about it, especially for IBS-C. I actually thought it was a pretty easy sell and if you were able to set up the Liekert study right it practically sold itself. The bottom line here is that Sucampo is wasting money with this co-promote. Get rid of the Takeda reps and hire a Gastro Specialty force...really, what are you waiting for? The Takeda reps have given up on this drug a long time ago!!!

The Sucampo reps could probably sell Amitiza alone with out a co promote better than the Takeda reps.

Some of you Sucampo reps (more than just a few) are idiots! My GI's tell me how clueless many of you are. At Takeda, we train you guys on how to sell, but sadly many of you are incapable once in the field. Your HR dept needs to start checking GPA's a bit closer before extending offers.

Some of you Sucampo reps (more than just a few) are idiots! My GI's tell me how clueless many of you are. At Takeda, we train you guys on how to sell, but sadly many of you are incapable once in the field. Your HR dept needs to start checking GPA's a bit closer before extending offers.

What an ignorant douche bag you are!! Your GPA has zero to do with your ability sell pharmaceuticals or anything else. At Takeda, we train people how to sell, what a f....king joke of a statement, didnt help much when we ate your lunch with Lunesta back in the day.

To this day, many of my highest decile docs can't even tell me who their Takeda amitiza rep is- they are worthless.

Nor will they remember you once you step foot out the door. Careful not to get too high on yourself, your not as important as you think you are! Or that they make you out to be!

Reps are so funny sometimes!! Entertainment value for sure!!!

Nor will they remember you once you step foot out the door. Careful not to get too high on yourself, your not as important as you think you are! Or that they make you out to be!

Reps are so funny sometimes!! Entertainment value for sure!!!

I'm sure they wont remember me once I'm gone, wouldn't expect them to. However, they do know I'm their Amitiza rep right now. You just have to make calls, Takeda should teach their reps to do that.

Currently, no, because we only do LTC.
The new sales force, yes will have to leave tons of samples in primary care an GI offices.

I see you already have an excellent sales strategy in place..."will have to leave tons of samples in primary care and GI offices"....Sounds like your numbers will tank immediately considering fact that if Amitiza is "oversampled", you will definitely lose scripts. If you know anything about the drug it isn't written like a Blood pressure Med.... Good Luck!!