Get ready for mass exit...

Exactly. No way Hospira will be looking out for any of matter how much false lip service they give us. They haven't looked out for us through project fuel, moving business to India, and caring more for the share holders than product and manufacturing quality.
You reap what you sow.... Put yourself first...just like management has put themselves first every time.

Exactly. No way Hospira will be looking out for any of matter how much false lip service they give us. They haven't looked out for us through project fuel, moving business to India, and caring more for the share holders than product and manufacturing quality.
You reap what you sow.... Put yourself first...just like management has put themselves first every time.

Ufffff Uffffff Haaaa Ahh Heee Heee Heee Heee BaWaWHaaaaaa ha ha OUTSOURCE IT ALL !

Exactly. No way Hospira will be looking out for any of matter how much false lip service they give us. They haven't looked out for us through project fuel, moving business to India, and caring more for the share holders than product and manufacturing quality.
You reap what you sow.... Put yourself first...just like management has put themselves first every time.

As my daddy told me, look out or yourself because no one else will.

i know of at least 5 very talented people that left this week - mostly to was a HR recruiter who went to a North Chicago company starting with B and ending in R. i sent my resume there today. And the others went to competitors too. Pfizer - $17bn for products ? where are your your people ? they have already gone !! LOL