Geotab problems in Volvos


Curious if anyone is having issues with their Volvos after installing the Geotab? Every day, another member of our team is having a potentially dangerous issue with the electrical system of the car being affected. ESC Temporarily OFF warning with the car either accelerating or braking on its own! If you are having even the most minor problem, please call Holman, notify them in writing at, bring your vehicle to the closest Volvo dealership and get a rental car.


I am having the same problem ever since they installed the Geotab in my Volvo. Randomly it will not respond when I try to accelerate losing power and then suddenly jerk forward. It’s dangerous.

Now worries, GEOtab will be obsolete as soon as they get all employees “chipped”. That’s GEOChip for those unaware. It will be mandatory for your protection and the protection of customers and the business.

No exceptions will be considered since unlike the Covid Jab, GEOChip is NOT a dangerous drug, just a benign device inserted just under the skin behind your left ear.

Just think of all the benefits you’ll reap from 3rd parties knowing where and how fast you drive your personal vehicle, how many hours you sleep each night, just to name a couple of creature features.

It’s going to be fantastic, all employees, no exceptions because GSK cares.

Just think of all the benefits you’ll reap from 3rd parties knowing where and how fast you drive your personal vehicle, how many hours you sleep each night, just to name a couple of creature features.

It’s going to be fantastic, all employees, no exceptions because GSK cares.

Your phone does all of this already.

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