Generic Seasonique

Are there any new products in the near future?


Anyone remember when these knobs made us study and test for Bijuvia? Then 3 days before the roleout they canceled the NATIONAL SALES ROLLOUT MEETING? (But to make everything right the a-holes at Home Office went to the Miami hotel they booked and partied on OUR dime).
If you remember that clusterfuck of stupidy and LIES tells you all you need to know about the "Pipeline".

your memory is off, details all wrong, thanks for stopping by

My memory is spot on, my story is spot on, and you are a moron who is not able to correctly follow the rules of capitalization.
Now go crawel back under the rock you slimmed out from under and leave honest people alone. Thats what happened and there are alot of honest people who worked here back then who know how messed up the pipeline truely is. You were not one of us.

Stop your lies!!!!

Yes you are "spot on". I remember how management canceled the roll out the Friday before we were to travel on Sunday and Monday. I also remember the rumor that marketing went down to Miami and partied on the company. I dont know it for a fact but that was the rumor and know the folks in the marketing department and in New Jersey, I believe it.
Don't let anyone fool you. This company has mismanaged EVERYTHING in EVERY possible way. If there is a pipeline chances are the company and our dear marketing/training departments will mismanage it and provide useless tools to sell the useless crap they come up with.
R&D is a joke here. If they cant steal a product by using souless lawyers or purchase a product, there would be nothing in our bags right now.

BARR/TEVA dont develop new drugs to help people. This company is simply a RESELLER of generics (Seasonique is a generic folks).

If you are looking for a company that is cutting edge in the development of new drugs... TEVA aint it!

hey dumbasses, the product was not bijuvia. it was the mircette knock off. the rest is pretty much spot on though. oh and I may not capitalize but at least I can spell

hey dumbasses, the product was not bijuvia. it was the mircette knock off. the rest is pretty much spot on though. oh and I may not capitalize but at least I can spell

You are correct but the idea still holds whether it was Cette or Bijuvia. Both of these products were pulled and hardly ever a word has been brought up about them. 3 years ago or so there was what looked like a good pipleline but now we are here and none of that has been close to happening. Now it looks like another decent pipeline but with this history I wouldnt hold my breath.

This is some of the worst preparation for a product that they absolutely knew was going generic. So the basic idea is they dont give a crap about any of us. Wonder how much work is going to get done in the next few months with everyone looking out for themselves.

You are correct but the idea still holds whether it was Cette or Bijuvia. Both of these products were pulled and hardly ever a word has been brought up about them. 3 years ago or so there was what looked like a good pipleline but now we are here and none of that has been close to happening. Now it looks like another decent pipeline but with this history I wouldnt hold my breath.

This is some of the worst preparation for a product that they absolutely knew was going generic. So the basic idea is they dont give a crap about any of us. Wonder how much work is going to get done in the next few months with everyone looking out for themselves.

You are right we should not hold our breath. I spoke with an insider who told me the rings will not be coming out this year. They will be at least a year away.