Generic questions


Could you tell me if they pay for mileage plus gas or just mileage? I'm not sure how I could make car note and pay for gas with .55 per mile. What does the insurance cost per month for a single person? Do you have decent vacation time? Would you go to work for them again if you had a choice - why/why not? Thanks for honest replies.

You will receive $750 month for car allowance plus .55 for mileage. you will receive full benefits along with 3 weeks paid vacation. 6 sicks days and 11 holidays.

For 6787, the other thread quoted $650 car allowance with gas card vs this info... $750 with mileage allowance. Clearly both can't be correct, so it appears we still need confirmation one way or another on this question. I tend to think $650 w gas card is closer to the "norm", if there is such a thing anymore. I also haven't seen 3 weeks vacation on any project to date (more typically 2 weeks), but maybe others have. Just thinking out loud and summarizing what's been mentioned at this point.

I was with Quintiles for 8 1/2 years. Every contract I was on, that didn't offer a company car, was $650 car allowance plus gas card. They took $50 per pay period and you could use the gas card for personal use.

I was with Quintiles for 8 1/2 years. Every contract I was on, that didn't offer a company car, was $650 car allowance plus gas card. They took $50 per pay period and you could use the gas card for personal use.

If you are a Quintiles employee the conditions of your employment (vacation, sick days, etc.) are set by Quintiles, not the underlying firm.

For these things it is the "usual." First couple years it's 2 weeks vacation (accumulated monthly) and the usual holidays, and after two years of service you begin to accumulate at a 3 weeks/yr rate.

As for car, it is set by the underlying firm in the contract and varies from a company car to full mileage (the IRS-set rate for business use of a vehicle) with allowance+gas card in between.

If your contract ends and you come back to Quintiles within (I think) 2 years then it's like you never left and you immediately resume accumulating years of service toward 3 weeks of vacation just like most jobs.

Have always had a car allowance vs a company car with Quintiles.
Heard that 6887 will go to company cars in January. Does anyone know what kind of company cars Quintiles uses/provides for fleet?

Just be careful when you go to the lab for your urine test. They will take a pic of your schlonker and forward it to your potential DM for review. If too small or way too large you may be rejected. Right in the middle is fine.

I was with Quintiles for 8 1/2 years. Every contract I was on, that didn't offer a company car, was $650 car allowance plus gas card. They took $50 per pay period and you could use the gas card for personal use.

I was on the Quintiles Novaquest lilly contract and we had the same company car as the Lilly reps plus gas card.