Generic Lovaza is about one year away, we are doomed in any case.

Not true. Lovaza is very expensive to make. If a generic does come out it will be high copay not a $4 or even a $20 generic.

What are you smoking??

GSK currently has about 6x markup om Lovaza and Vascepa has twice the production cost!

BASF has tons of free Lovaza production capacity and will soon deliver to generics.

No way V can be profitable against generic lovaza, it's just not possible, it's not even an opinion, it's basic economics.

You better check your facts and understand you have someone with a vested interest in HQ continually coming on here to pump BS into your gullet.

Managed care is going to lock V to failures of generics already out there in other classes and push the supplements. Game over, turn out the lights, cutting our sales force was a typical knee jerk move by a sociopath.

Don't be the ostrich.