Generic Injectable New Division


WTF? We had this division before, fired us all, now starting up again. Roz (Recruiter) is a joke, Jennifer (sales manager) is a joke. Posting for the job says that pay is $120+, when you have phone call pay is $95, where is the disconnect?
Are you really looking for reps who have the hospital and connections who have been in the business, or are you looking for start-up hospital reps without the connections.
Jennifer is way over her head. Its very obvious they do not want tenured reps who know the business, so these positions will be a lot of turnover, or the sales force will go under again. Former employee here, just giving an honest heads up on how the company is run.
No communication!

I have been contacted about a KAM position. I have heard there significant management changes and they are rebuilding the organization the right way. Please provide candid details about work environment and expectations. I'm in a decent work environment, but really like selling generics.

I'd love to know more about the company and culture as well. I'm currently in a good job, but considering a move. Unfortunately, finding objective and honest information on any company through Cafepharma is difficult. If you look up pretty much any pharma company, their boards are overrun by bitter frustrated whiners. Which makes sense, if you think about it. I have had some great jobs, but have never considered hopping on the internet to tell the world how much I love my job. I was busy doing it. The people who get on these boards have axes to grind.