Gene Therapy


I have educated self via a few nurses and a lead doctor in Texas about gene therapy, a product your company pushes upon patients, and this is concerning!

First mRna with Pfizer and Moderna

and finding companies like CSL and gene therapy? Why?

CSL also launching a covid jab?

Disappointed to say the least.

is money more important these days?

I read people are not exactly happy here so why stay and do what you do?

So just how many 340b (sp’s) so called dr’s and nurses have you’ve spoken with? Different agendas and for sure an f’ up healthcare system .. Cleaning house in hemophilia is way over due not to mention the Sp’s sending their “hemo soldiers” out to the front lines to protect their caches. It’s part of what made me sick of the bs. The whole profitability structure from the HTC’s to the hemo fdns are a house of cards. Makes one wonder if a cure would ever be offered to this coddled network with palms up oblivious to the history.