Gary N

Dear Gary:

Thank you for sitting behind your desk, looking at metrics, then sending the info along, in a demeaning manor, no less, so that each and every rep is made to feel like bottom feeders. Or better yet, "common." Look at morale in the short amount of time you've taken over and ask YOURSELF what YOU can do to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. We hit the leader jackpot with Keith Woolley. Talk about "uncommon." And now we have you at the helm. Sifting through reports and analyzing metrics so that each DM can ensure they are Micro managing to the fullest extent. It's so sad to see what this region has become.

As a DM I can assure you GN isn't going anywhere. He's a good ol boy and has all his male robots handing down orders.
Thought RL and KK would see thru it.....
Not 1 female RD and the one he had, he demoted. Then replaced her with another man. What I would love to see tho is how much SB is reveling at the fact that the PNW is performing disastrously.

This dude is a real piece of work. Micro-manage, much???
This is why DSI is experiencing a mass exodus. I know there's complaints about pipeline etc but people don't leave a good company. They leave because of leadership...... or lack of leadership. Bury us in reports, trackers, things that impede our time/ability to sell and people will eventually leave. GN, while a nice guy, is not an effective leader. Yes, he's been with DSI forever but so what! With the exception of his boys club, most of the people in his region don't care for his leadership style.

This is why DSI is experiencing a mass exodus. I know there's complaints about pipeline etc but people don't leave a good company. They leave because of leadership...... or lack of leadership. Bury us in reports, trackers, things that impede our time/ability to sell and people will eventually leave. GN, while a nice guy, is not an effective leader. Yes, he's been with DSI forever but so what! With the exception of his boys club, most of the people in his region don't care for his leadership style.
Bring back Woolley. He was the best thing to happen to DSI in years. GN undid everything KW created. Too