

How has Ethicon Endo managed to go from JnJ's darling franchise to the one that Weldon and Co would like to be taken to the curb with the garbage? Is it mismanagement from the upper echelon of franchise leaders? Has reprocessing stung it so hard and so often that it's beyond salvageable? Is Covidian innovating at a much faster rate? As someone who had watched this company with envy in 2000, it is shocking to see what has become of it. I fail to understand how there was no defensive position in place to stop and reverse the alarming fall from grace. It's been in "Epic Fail" mode for 3 years, and still, there seems to be no viable solutions, no answers to a rapid decline in everything from sales to leadership. Travesty.

All of the above plus JNJ continues to dip into their pocket to fund the miscomings of Consumer and Pharma.

How has Ethicon Endo managed to go from JnJ's darling franchise to the one that Weldon and Co would like to be taken to the curb with the garbage? Is it mismanagement from the upper echelon of franchise leaders? Has reprocessing stung it so hard and so often that it's beyond salvageable? Is Covidian innovating at a much faster rate? As someone who had watched this company with envy in 2000, it is shocking to see what has become of it. I fail to understand how there was no defensive position in place to stop and reverse the alarming fall from grace. It's been in "Epic Fail" mode for 3 years, and still, there seems to be no viable solutions, no answers to a rapid decline in everything from sales to leadership. Travesty.

How has Ethicon Endo managed to go from JnJ's darling franchise to the one that Weldon and Co would like to be taken to the curb with the garbage? Is it mismanagement from the upper echelon of franchise leaders? Has reprocessing stung it so hard and so often that it's beyond salvageable? Is Covidian innovating at a much faster rate? As someone who had watched this company with envy in 2000, it is shocking to see what has become of it. I fail to understand how there was no defensive position in place to stop and reverse the alarming fall from grace. It's been in "Epic Fail" mode for 3 years, and still, there seems to be no viable solutions, no answers to a rapid decline in everything from sales to leadership. Travesty.

You jerk off. Who you think you are. Did you have the daily dose of sperm yet? Maybe you didn't have it yet that's why you have shit come out of your brain.

Whoa there fella! Sometimes you have to step back and remove emotion from a situation, peel back the proverbial onion, and do some introspection yourself. EES is both flailing and failing; if anything, you should think how this may affect you and act accordingly. I wouldn't get too caught in the emotion of it. Whats more--the management team won't get caught up in delivering you your walking papers.

Whats goes around comes around . we bought the business in early 90's , then we created the grey market then we turned on each other , then we let the reps who were the best of the best leave . Look who is driving the ship . They have no respect from sales and dont have a pulse on the state of business. The bad thing at that level is they really only care about there options and their next position. We are now a market driven company rather than a sales driven company . The kiss of death was when they took away the draw and gave us a big salary . the hardest part of the job was learning the comp plan and how to earn big money , now you cant even do that . Ps I am in Management and hate what I am doing and how I have to do it . Only around because i have just a couple of more years till full health Benefits for life Perception is the reality has always been said around here . well our reality does not look good . No motivation, leadership , not even fun any more .