Game Over For Obamacare Saboteurs?


"The spoiler version is that out in California, where the state government and advocacy groups are actually interested in doing Obamacare right, things are looking pretty good. They’re standing up their exchanges and it turns out premiums for basic bronze and more comprehensive silver health plans will actually come in lower than anticipated.

This is almost unambiguously good news for Obamacare.

You can tell it’s good news because it’s obviously good news, but also because the brigade of conservative writers who comb the news for every last Obamacare glitch in less cooperative states have been pretty quiet about it.

But in addition to auguring well for the law and suggesting its detractors have been blowing implementation problems out of proportion, I think this news underscores the strategic importance, from the administration’s point of view, of getting the ACA right in California in particular."

And before you mock California you should up-to-date with your facts first. They now have no statewide elected Republican Office holders and the Dems have a majority in both houses of the legislature. Last year they raised taxes on wealthy people and corporations and this year they have a significant budget surplus.

Now they now have their sites on you.

Brown’s budget not only assumes $1.1 billion in higher income and sales tax revenues than the November projections, but it also takes advantage of an additional $1 billion in revenues that will supposedly be created by the state’s new cap-and-trade program and the elimination of certain development tax breaks.

But Brown was hardly in a position to make such assumptions. Before his speech, the first round of cap-and-trade auctions had already taken place, producing only 14 percent of expected revenue. In addition, California’s state controller had already released numbers in December showing that actual tax collections were 10.8 percent below projection.

Will any of Brown’s magic new revenue actually materialize in state coffers? History suggests it won’t. A recent California Common Sense study showed that, since the recession began, governors’ budget projections have overestimated revenue by an average of 5.5 percent. Apply that average to Brown’s 2013 projections, and California’s budget would suddenly go from $1 billion in the black to $3.9 billion in the red.

Budget projections that seem too good to be true should, obviously, be taken with a grain of salt. This is especially true considering California’s long-term fiscal problems. It means that a balanced budget in the short run won’t be enough to fix the state’s over-commitment or under-funding of its public employees’ pension and health care costs .

OP, you may want to check a few headlines today related to Unions and's one...

Some unions now angry about health care overhaul
Posted: 05/24/2013 01:49:08 AM MDT
SAM HANANEL Associated PressAssociated Press

WASHINGTON—Some labor unions that enthusiastically backed President Barack Obama's health care overhaul are now frustrated and angry, fearful that it will jeopardize benefits for millions of their members.
Union leaders warn that unless the problem is fixed, there could be consequences for Democrats facing re-election next year.

"It makes an untruth out of what the president said—that if you like your insurance, you could keep it," said Joe Hansen, president of the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union. "That is not going to be true for millions of workers now."


Read more: Some unions now angry about health care overhaul - The Denver Post

Brown’s budget not only assumes $1.1 billion in higher income and sales tax revenues than the November projections, but it also takes advantage of an additional $1 billion in revenues that will supposedly be created by the state’s new cap-and-trade program and the elimination of certain development tax breaks.

But Brown was hardly in a position to make such assumptions. Before his speech, the first round of cap-and-trade auctions had already taken place, producing only 14 percent of expected revenue. In addition, California’s state controller had already released numbers in December showing that actual tax collections were 10.8 percent below projection.

Will any of Brown’s magic new revenue actually materialize in state coffers? History suggests it won’t. A recent California Common Sense study showed that, since the recession began, governors’ budget projections have overestimated revenue by an average of 5.5 percent. Apply that average to Brown’s 2013 projections, and California’s budget would suddenly go from $1 billion in the black to $3.9 billion in the red.

Budget projections that seem too good to be true should, obviously, be taken with a grain of salt. This is especially true considering California’s long-term fiscal problems. It means that a balanced budget in the short run won’t be enough to fix the state’s over-commitment or under-funding of its public employees’ pension and health care costs .

No links to any sources means that it comes from a graduate of Glenn Beck University. Which means it is about as useful as warm snot.

No links to any sources means that it comes from a graduate of Glenn Beck University. Which means it is about as useful as warm snot.

Your obsession with Glenn Beck is nothing short of astounding. You seem to know a lot about Glenn Beck or think you know a lot about him. I don't get it... What's with the obsession?

Regarding the fact that the debt still burdens CA. That was debt run up before they totally flushed the Republican turds out of the state politics. Now, with the moron brigade out of the way, they have surpluses. Not imagined but real.

Then, your facts about the unions also just proves my point. If the Dems are willing to take on the Unions and implement the ACA, then they must be doing something right. Thanks again for the assit.

Got to ask you something. Do you really think that there is any chance that Obama Care isn't going to be implemented? Any chance that is wasn't ended with the SCOTUS decision.

Now, suck this beeeitch. Then you can suck it some more when your feet hit the bricks.

Obamacare Will Be A Debacle — For Republicans
The Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, is a policy Rube Goldberg device — instead of doing the simple, obvious thing, which would just be to insure everyone, it basically relies on a combination of regulations and subsidies to rope, coddle, and nudge us into a rough approximation of a single-payer system. There were reasons for this, of course, mainly political: a complete displacement of the existing system would have been both too destructive of powerful interests and too radical for voters.

Still, the question is whether this cobbled-together system will work, and there have been many conservatives rubbing their hands with glee over the prospect of failure.


We won’t really know how Obamacare works until it has been in operation for a while; but we do know that essentially the same system has been running in Massachusetts since 2006, and is doing pretty well. The question, then, is whether other states that don’t have MA’s initial advantages — especially an already low uninsurance rate and an already operating system of community rating — can make this thing work. The big fear has been of sharply rising premiums as insurers are required to cover people with preexisting conditions. And the biggest test case was always going to be California.

Well, the preliminary numbers for CA are in — and they’re looking very good, with costs coming in below expectations. At this point, it looks as if this thing is indeed going to work.

And think about the political dynamics. Because the Supreme Court decided to let states opt out of the Medicaid expansion, some states — notably Texas — will have a pretty dysfunctional version of Obamacare in 2014, although even those systems will provide significant benefits to many people. Still, the whole political calculus was supposed to be that Republicans in red states could point to the horrors of Obamacare and ride them to political victory. Instead, it looks as if we’re going to see blue-state residents reaping the benefits of a functional health care system, while red-state residents are denied many of those benefits, for what looks like no better reason than mean-spirited spite — because what’s going on is, indeed, mean-spirited spite.

Predictions that Obamacare will be a big political issue are probably right — but not in the way gleeful conservatives imagined.

Your obsession with Glenn Beck is nothing short of astounding. You seem to know a lot about Glenn Beck or think you know a lot about him. I don't get it... What's with the obsession?

the "obsession" is that you diarrhea the ideas out of you mouth that he first shits in your ears.

He is a moron, like Rush Limbough, who never finished a semester of college who has latched onto a kooky religion and who specializes in making money off of others who, should be smarter, but are not. His complete existence is an insult to stupidity and you sound like him. Your gibberish about "free markets" when what you are, a Pharma Rep, whose very job is to sell products within the govt regulated and controlled Pharma market is absurd. It's like the Tea Bagger who shouted, "Keep your govt hands off of my Medicare". You shouting what you do from where you are and not realizing that we are laughing at you makes you an idiot.

the "obsession" is that you diarrhea the ideas out of you mouth that he first shits in your ears.

He is a moron, like Rush Limbough, who never finished a semester of college who has latched onto a kooky religion and who specializes in making money off of others who, should be smarter, but are not. His complete existence is an insult to stupidity and you sound like him. Your gibberish about "free markets" when what you are, a Pharma Rep, whose very job is to sell products within the govt regulated and controlled Pharma market is absurd. It's like the Tea Bagger who shouted, "Keep your govt hands off of my Medicare". You shouting what you do from where you are and not realizing that we are laughing at you makes you an idiot.

Free markets are not the brainchild of Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck.... Have you ever read Adam Smith "The Wealth of Nations"? Do you understand the history of this country? Everyone understands that America is over-regulated by an ever intrusive government and is therefore destroying what remains of a Free Market. However, some free market principles still exist. I advocate for more, because I understand that behind every argument against the free market is and argument against freedom itself.

If government took its hands off of medicare, then perhaps it wouldn't be in such dire circumstances. Have you ever had the slightest intellectual interest in wondering why every illegitimate function of government is bankrupt or on the verge of bankruptcy. The problem with socialism is that eventually you run-out of other people's money.

Regarding the fact that the debt still burdens CA. That was debt run up before they totally flushed the Republican turds out of the state politics. Now, with the moron brigade out of the way, they have surpluses. Not imagined but real.

Then, your facts about the unions also just proves my point. If the Dems are willing to take on the Unions and implement the ACA, then they must be doing something right. Thanks again for the assit.

Got to ask you something. Do you really think that there is any chance that Obama Care isn't going to be implemented? Any chance that is wasn't ended with the SCOTUS decision.

Now, suck this beeeitch. Then you can suck it some more when your feet hit the bricks.

Obamacare Will Be A Debacle — For Republicans
The Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, is a policy Rube Goldberg device — instead of doing the simple, obvious thing, which would just be to insure everyone, it basically relies on a combination of regulations and subsidies to rope, coddle, and nudge us into a rough approximation of a single-payer system. There were reasons for this, of course, mainly political: a complete displacement of the existing system would have been both too destructive of powerful interests and too radical for voters.

Still, the question is whether this cobbled-together system will work, and there have been many conservatives rubbing their hands with glee over the prospect of failure.


We won’t really know how Obamacare works until it has been in operation for a while; but we do know that essentially the same system has been running in Massachusetts since 2006, and is doing pretty well. The question, then, is whether other states that don’t have MA’s initial advantages — especially an already low uninsurance rate and an already operating system of community rating — can make this thing work. The big fear has been of sharply rising premiums as insurers are required to cover people with preexisting conditions. And the biggest test case was always going to be California.

Well, the preliminary numbers for CA are in — and they’re looking very good, with costs coming in below expectations. At this point, it looks as if this thing is indeed going to work.

And think about the political dynamics. Because the Supreme Court decided to let states opt out of the Medicaid expansion, some states — notably Texas — will have a pretty dysfunctional version of Obamacare in 2014, although even those systems will provide significant benefits to many people. Still, the whole political calculus was supposed to be that Republicans in red states could point to the horrors of Obamacare and ride them to political victory. Instead, it looks as if we’re going to see blue-state residents reaping the benefits of a functional health care system, while red-state residents are denied many of those benefits, for what looks like no better reason than mean-spirited spite — because what’s going on is, indeed, mean-spirited spite.

Predictions that Obamacare will be a big political issue are probably right — but not in the way gleeful conservatives imagined.

Paul Krugman.... One of the most discredited political hacks ever. LOL!!!

I would never want to live in California; the state is going bankrupt and everyone I know in Southern CA plans on leaving for retirement. Between Google & Facebook the Silcon Valley salaries are very skewed. The real estate (postage size lots for a million) around the Stanford area is ridiculous. If Mexicans want to come in they just walk over. And then again there is the threat of earthquakes and the fault line. Just give a few more years and spanish will be the primary language.

"Jan Brewer To GOP: Expand Medicaid Or I’ll Veto All Bills

Arizona's Republican Gov. Jan Brewer is stepping up her pressure on the GOP-led legislature to expand Medicaid by declaring a moratorium on legislating until they give in.

Brewer vetoed five unrelated bills on Thursday, according to the Arizona Republic, and threatened to keep blocking legislation until Republicans expand Medicaid to cover thousands of Arizonans, which Obamacare permits at minimal cost to the state.

"I warned that I would not sign additional measures into law until we see resolution of the two most pressing issues facing us: adoption of a fiscal 2014 state budget and plan for Medicaid," Brewer wrote in a statement explaining her decision. "It is disappointing I must demonstrate the moratorium was not an idle threat."

Republicans in state legislatures are facing significant pressure from their right flank to reject the expansion, a move that conservative activists see as their last line of defense against Obamacare. Arizona state House Republicans who support Brewer's Medicaid expansion plan are reporting growing threats of retribution, according to the Republic."

And you can "poison the well" / "Shoot the messenger" / complain about the source all you want, Republican governors across the US are backing Obama Care.

I would never want to live in California; the state is going bankrupt and everyone I know in Southern CA plans on leaving for retirement. Between Google & Facebook the Silcon Valley salaries are very skewed. The real estate (postage size lots for a million) around the Stanford area is ridiculous. If Mexicans want to come in they just walk over. And then again there is the threat of earthquakes and the fault line. Just give a few more years and spanish will be the primary language.

Spoken like a true Republican. You know how you can tell? From an older person close to retirement, full of factually free and racists remarks.

So it is now racist to point-out the obvious? California.... immigration problem, NO WAY!!!

The facts are that California now has an "immigration" problem with Hispanics just like New York had with Italians and Boston with the Irish. There are no factual differences. And just like then, classifying it as a "problem" is racist. That is why I added "fact free" fucking moron.

"Jan Brewer vetoing all bills until Arizona Medicaid expansion passes

Brewer was brazen over the cause: “I warned that I would not sign additional measures into law until we see resolution of the two most pressing issues facing us: adoption of a fiscal 2014 state budget and plan for Medicaid. It is disappointing I must demonstrate the moratorium was not an idle threat.”

Since it is a Right-Wing moron site it fails to mention that the "Expansion of Medicaid" that she is seeking is in support of implementing Obama Care in AZ!

hahahaahah the old crow is stickin' it to ya!

The facts are that California now has an "immigration" problem with Hispanics just like New York had with Italians and Boston with the Irish. There are no factual differences. And just like then, classifying it as a "problem" is racist. That is why I added "fact free" fucking moron.

Big difference moron.... Your example in New York and Boston was LEGAL immigration, which is no problem at all. California has an ILLEGAL immigration problem. Now deal with those FACTS!