Galderma Benefit Package


Hi, got contacted by a recruiter for a position with Galderma. Can Anyone elaborate on starting compensation (flexible?), B & C plan, Sick/Vacation time, 401k, etc?


Galderma good company and great benefits. However, it is really a shell of what it used to be. Furthermore, if you get a chance to get on board as a rep, take it and then get the experience, max out on the 401K one of the best and then leverage what you learn and your experience after 3 or so years and get with a company that has a better pipeline and better long term plans for the future. Good place to start and it used to be a good place to have a long career, but as a lot of tenured and in some cases former employees will tell you, increasingly more difficult to carve out a long term career here if you are in your 20s or early 30s. Also, in the Rx groups the quotas rise as you contribute more - Contribution rate. So the more you do the harder and harder it will be to make good commissions the longer you are with the company. Low volume territories usually win the day due to how they allocate quotas. Good luck and it is a good start, just not a long term career play.

True just not for the long term. It is a good play for about 2-3 years then you will have probably maxed out your potential in your territory and that is also about how long the patents on key brands have. Managers here are mostly a waste of time just get your stuff in on time and do your job and nobody will bother you.

So can someone give specific on benefits?
Base and is it negotiable
Sick and vacation days
Is 40 at plan realistic
Also how long the interview process is and what all it entails


So can someone give specific on benefits?
Base and is it negotiable
Sick and vacation days
Is 40 at plan realistic
Also how long the interview process is and what all it entails


Base is negotiable, but can get up to $80-90 with experience and good negotiating skills
Push for 4 weeks vacation and you will get it
These days 40 is a stretch, our products suck and we have coverage issues
Interview process is a joke, can be 2-7 interviews (depending on desperation and which hiring manager) and will require a final in Ft Worth where you have to suck the dicks of nationals and directors to get their buy in.

We are a fraction of the company we used to be. Most of the good ones have left for better opportunities (even people with like 15+ years of experience and success have left in the last 2 years). We have GREAT benefits, that is not even a debatable issue, but do you want to work for a toxic environment well past its prime for that?

I've just learned that they recently dropped the dick sucking in Ft. Worth part of the interview process...maybe because they are cheap and they have SO many vacancies to fill? This place is so different from the company that I used to love.

Relax. Stuart has been making the necessary changes that should have taken place a long time ago. This guy knows what he is doing, and he's not overly concerned with winning a popularity contest in Ft. Worth. It's all business now, and they don't have time to chat with candidates that have already been vetted by DM's, RSMs, HR, and the local reps who submit candidates. No time for shooting the breeze and talking golf and stepford wife drama in Southlake.

Base is negotiable, but can get up to $80-90 with experience and good negotiating skills
Push for 4 weeks vacation and you will get it
These days 40 is a stretch, our products suck and we have coverage issues
Interview process is a joke, can be 2-7 interviews (depending on desperation and which hiring manager) and will require a final in Ft Worth where you have to suck the dicks of nationals and directors to get their buy in.

We are a fraction of the company we used to be. Most of the good ones have left for better opportunities (even people with like 15+ years of experience and success have left in the last 2 years). We have GREAT benefits, that is not even a debatable issue, but do you want to work for a toxic environment well past its prime for that?

NO ONE is getting 4 weeks vacay , I don't care how good at negotiating you are . If the district has many openings that's a good reason to pass . Company is just OK right now , the future might indeed be bright but if you have been around for awhile you know the last 3 years have been a shit show .

CEO still needs to clean house after the Bill / Fraser years have left the cupboard empty . Not a bad opportunity but many good salespeople have left ( that's why the opening ) & others are watching waiting for a better opportunity . Bonus attainment is sad for 60-70% of salesforce. We are talking middle of the ranking rep makes NO more than 5k in a qrter.

Overall a solid B .

I disagree with you on several points. One point I agree with you on is that it has been a shit show for the last three years. However, to say the company has a bright future is still very debatable. No real pipeline - huge investment in Aesthetics but again no innovation. Just the old Aesthetic products from another company. So time will tell but I am not seeing it at present. Finally, I agree with you that Fraser was a disaster. Poor leader no real vision. Bill was another matter. He had amazing culture and sales teams during the early and mid Clobex days. He was the reason why we had and the company had a lot of success. He also saw what a disaster FF was and tried to at least minimize the damage done by old BJ in marketing. They ganged up on him he left and then the company went into a deep and steep nose dive after his departure. There was a direct correlation to our growth when Bill was here and direct correlation to this company going into the tank when he left. Let's not forget AD he ramped up the head count in marketing and managed care and that lead us to huge layoffs and put the company in a mess. The new guys play book has so far just been more surgical cuts that will only help for so long. The company's IMS numbers are back to where we had been in 2009 as well on the Rx products too. Not a bright picture at all really.

Relax. Stuart has been making the necessary changes that should have taken place a long time ago. This guy knows what he is doing, and he's not overly concerned with winning a popularity contest in Ft. Worth. It's all business now, and they don't have time to chat with candidates that have already been vetted by DM's, RSMs, HR, and the local reps who submit candidates. No time for shooting the breeze and talking golf and stepford wife drama in Southlake.

I think you are missing the point. The sales candidates only met with HR and usually sales management. The reason, at past point in time was that the upper sales management actually cared who was joining the team. Not everyone passed the home office interview by the way. The reason I think they stopped it is number one one - cost. They only now care about the bottom line. Two, if they get two + years out of the B to B sales people or some other out placed pharma person then they win. Yet another mile marker demonstrating that the once great culture is now dead. When they hired for a long term play it mattered who was joining. Now that the prescription side of the business has limited life span it does not really matter who joins and a long term play from a career standpoint is now dead. Once the patent life runs out or we loose a patent challenge - more layoffs will happen so why waste money flying candidates in and incurring an added expense?

I agree. People bitch and moan on this site, but I have been with Galderma for 15 y with no complaints.

Then I assume you had been in HR and knew that your position was safe last December. If you had been in the field and treated like the entire field sales force you would not be saying that. The trust here has been broken and I am keeping my eyes open for better opportunities.