FYI- Changing time/date on computer...

When you enter a call, before you submit, click on the button next to time and change the time. If you are entering a call at 7PM and you want it to say 3PM, just click on button next to time and change it to 3PM. Then submit. Look at your calender and it will show your call at 3PM. Once you submitted a call you can not change time. If you make a call and have not submitted, go back later and change time so that it will stagger calls .

yo dumbsh!t...there are multiple timestamps attached to all documents throughout the process. All that does is reinforcen the fact that you are trying to cheat the system....

yo dumbsh!t...there are multiple timestamps attached to all documents throughout the process. All that does is reinforcen the fact that you are trying to cheat the system....

Really ??? Funny it's been working just fine for me since you were probably sperm in ur papa's undersized wang .
Doosh !

It is timed when you open the call, type on the call, submit the call. Some people open them all in the morning. Some people submit them all at night, but the activitiy is printed in time in the system itself. Reports can be run to see how many between 8-10 am 3-5 pm, which days are light, which days are busy... There are so many reports, you are dead if they are looking PLEASE. Your toll charges, gas charges compared vs. your call time vs. your GPS from Fleet... If they want you out, you are OUT!

Glad that this is all resolved. Now if you can just figure out how to actually sell more that would be fantastic!

wouldn't matter....the goaling won't allow you to excel, and should you happen to get a little ahead they will up your goal so's called the "giveback". You will never make more than you giveback in goaling.

Sell?? Nobody sells anything here (at least not for NVS). Granted, there are reps that have good relationships with docs and can influence their decision on what product to write, but the bottom line is made elsewhere.