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Fycompa - Who to target?


Canadian rep here. I've posted a few times about the difficulty were having with Fycompa in Canada. Is there any particular competitor that you've had success capturing share from, we target Lacosamide, Lamotrignine, Levetiracetam and Topiramate. Any insight or guidance would be appreciated!


Canadian rep here. I've posted a few times about the difficulty were having with Fycompa in Canada. Is there any particular competitor that you've had success capturing share from, we target Lacosamide, Lamotrignine, Levetiracetam and Topiramate. Any insight or guidance would be appreciated!

Bull. Not the first time you've tried this version of your phony approach. Looking for competitive sell information for whom? Want us to spell out our targeting strategy on a public forum to an anonymous poster? How much they paying you to be a sell-out and pretend your anything with hopes to bait a conversation? any insight and guidance on your BS gig would be appreciated.

Canadian rep here. I've posted a few times about the difficulty were having with Fycompa in Canada. Is there any particular competitor that you've had success capturing share from, we target Lacosamide, Lamotrignine, Levetiracetam and Topiramate. Any insight or guidance would be appreciated!

Hey Canada, question for you. Just curious, how have the doctors up there been reacting to the boxed warning?

BS. Post again.

Oh, you mean the boxed warning for Suicidality in patients under the age of 24?


The one that every.single.doctor has not had an issue with?

The one that also states it DECREASES the risk significantly for patients over the age of 24?

Yeah, that hasn't really been a problem...

Come to think of it, the ONLY problem has been having enough time in the day to get to every doctor that wants to be detailed on Contrave and prioritizing based on expected volume in prescriptions from their office.

10,400 prescriptions in the first 10 days... not too bad.

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