
Par will be fine and will continue to grow.
Strativa will not be fine. TPG needs to realize this company is run by individuals who may have been great in their previous roles but aren't so great in their current roles. Imagine if the VP of sales, VP of marketing etc had to run their own business without any outside investors. They wouldn't survive a day. They are all in over their heads and are bringing out talented individuals in the field, (not all are talented). If a new product does happen to come, the current sales force, if there is anyone left, will be completely eliminated and a brand new "force" or contracted force will step in and accept salaries that are well below industry standards. Mark my words and my post. Remember, Strativa makes up 2% of Par's total revenues, the last time I checked the 10K report before we went private.

In over their heads.................. Quote of the YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These guys at Strativa were middle management material that were lucky to make it there. We hire them and give them promotions on promises. I cant believe it has taken this long. OVERDUE SEPERATION!!! Leaders are special people who can get others to follow wholeheartingly, into battle of whatever... (sales in this case). Would you follow any of these guys into the copy room or bathroom? The way they attempted to lead was crazy! They spoke so badly of the people under them it was a passage of blame. Never an original idea because they didnt want to be on the hook for a decision if or when it failed. Corporate A**kissers are always exposed, always, always. Shocked their ride lasted this long. ASK YOURSELF, WOULD YOU FOLLOW THESE TWINKIES OUTSIDE OF THIS WORK IN ANY ENDEVOR WHATSOEVER????? I sold when I met them, may buy back at bottom if we can get change or a STOPPAGE of operations soon????????? Where do these GOONS go? Really ask yourself that questions. Great leaders dont learn from reading who moved my cheese but have learned it over a lifetime of experiences... BAD and GOOD. Where are these clowns going to end up now? Wont be in the Pharma industry, they have knifed to many great people ( sales reps up to division leaders) to land elsewhere in this industry. Can you imagine a resume handed to someone who called them out on being a leader? they all got fired. Now they get these guys resume? Karmas a b**ch! I would allow them to interview for 2 months, all oout of pocket travel interviews, with me being the final. No I wouldnt/couldnt do that to their famliies or them. Imtoo good a leader! Hope you guys learn from this quandry of a test and land on your feet somewhere decent....half decent. No I dont want that supersized! I want it my way!