future of general meds


Does anyone think we will get any new products to keep us afloat ?

Most are geared towards specialty units. Exforge heading south with plain Diovan generic now,
Exelon losing manage and care higher tiers.

The big question does the company even want to stay in general meds ?


Why would they...there is little return on the investment....and no blockbusters in the pipeline.

Also, how many times have you been told to do something (like record calls) because that it would help gain partnerships with companies looking for promotion partners. Just BS.

Exforge losing MC and will be generic in a year. Exelon losing MC tier 3 & 4, cost 4.50 per day vs generics. Nothing in the pipeline oh Tekturna and maybe respiratory in a year or two.
The MS drug faces competition that will eat into overall Novartis profits. The big fine they face possible 1 bil at the lowest 500 mil. They are better off dropping gen meds, KAM's, the psy contract force having one rep per territory calling on psy,neuro, and high volume internals.
Not only save on rep costs but back office costs also, Novartis will go into more specialty drugs because there is less MC and profit margins are higher. Remember they now use profit and loss for each territory it needs to bring 1-1.5 mil worth of sales per territory, that means 2-3 mil for two reps. Do you think that Exforge, Exelon and Tekturna will bring that much in, maybe but figure in the KAM's and specialty I do not think so.

Exforge losing MC and will be generic in a year. Exelon losing MC tier 3 & 4, cost 4.50 per day vs generics. Nothing in the pipeline oh Tekturna and maybe respiratory in a year or two.
The MS drug faces competition that will eat into overall Novartis profits. The big fine they face possible 1 bil at the lowest 500 mil. They are better off dropping gen meds, KAM's, the psy contract force having one rep per territory calling on psy,neuro, and high volume internals.
Not only save on rep costs but back office costs also, Novartis will go into more specialty drugs because there is less MC and profit margins are higher. Remember they now use profit and loss for each territory it needs to bring 1-1.5 mil worth of sales per territory, that means 2-3 mil for two reps. Do you think that Exforge, Exelon and Tekturna will bring that much in, maybe but figure in the KAM's and specialty I do not think so.

Andre Wyss & Julie Masow told both Reuters and the WS Journal that the company will defend itself and that it is “an accepted and customary practice” in the pharmaceutical industry to pay doctors to speak about drugs.
Which is great since in their hubris I'm sure they will eclipse the glaxo fine & be banned from doing business with the federal government not to mention the sheer comedic value of the management bozo's & docs testifying under oath to a jury who I'm sure will be so sympathetic to these "accepted & customary" practices , even the ones that 'allegedly' did not occur.
IMHO Masow's perpetual excuses make jay carney look like a combo of MLK , Lincoln & Churchill combined.

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