Future Merck


Perlmutter was hired to make Merck viable. Frazier failed. CSO failed. If he can commit, success can be a reality. But it will be painful, many cuts to come everywhere.


The writing is on the wall.....

Merck is a hideous, sloppy beast of bureaucracy, process and meaningless objectives. Management has failed it's stakeholders.

But underneath the rubble heap is a real company that has a mission and enough profit. If it can get rid of the crap (middle management, pointless activity and projects) it will be successful again albeit smaller.

If you want to have a future with the future Merck, make sure you have a place working on one of Perlmutters objectives.

There is a new licensing head at Merck. He got fired from Amgen and Perlmutter hired him at Merck. No experience, minimum scientific capability -- result :- MK-1775 to AZ !! what more do you expect?

That seems to be a pattern. Also hired someone with no actual experience in pharma to run the target identification effort. The plan appears to be to destroy the village in order to save it.

And of course he's kept around the PK "yes" men, who are now saying (guess what) "yes" to all the new ideas. Keystone Kops.

That seems to be a pattern. Also hired someone with no actual experience in pharma to run the target identification effort. The plan appears to be to destroy the village in order to save it.

And of course he's kept around the PK "yes" men, who are now saying (guess what) "yes" to all the new ideas. Keystone Kops.

Makes emerging "leaders" comfortable to have an idiot around while they organize their own exit or promotion strategies.

The quality of Merck personnel will only improve after a complete and utter collapse of the organization. The type of person of which you speak, the OPPORTUNIST, is what this company in composed of. It began in the late 80s when all the little rich kids saw an opportunity to become associated with a winner...Merck.

Now they have populated the ranks within every aspect, and they really stink at innovation, thinking outside the box, motivation, long term vision etc.. The only thing they think about is themselves. Worse, selfish thinking is always short term. This is what leads to misleading projections, science projects and hype (sound familiar). Is that wrong ?

When Merck collapses, and only when Merck collapses will these leeches without work ethic leave the organization.

Think tick and you have the MO.