funny sunshine act story


Did lunch with an office that I had only been to twice in the past. As I began to speak with him he questioned the sign in sheet and who these names get sent to. Must have been the first time he'd heard of the Sunshine Act because his face turned bright red as I told him it would be viewed as a gift and that it is possibly taxed. I realized his frustration so I succeeded in twisting the knife in a little further to the point he left without eating, went to verify the information via phone with colleagues he knew in the area. With a grin I sat in the kitchen for another ten minutes eating brownies and farting. As I left the whole office was just looking at me. Then went down stairs to empty the coins from the vending machine I own in the very same building. Minutes later, one of his nurses was coming down as I emptied the coins, she looked at me, I looked at her, all I could say was "just grabbin a snack". I thought this was just great, it is the end of days for the pharma industry, might as well have some fun.


I tell all of my offices that names get reported and that we just got a new reporting method in expense reports, told them that it is possible that they will get a 1099 at the end of the year; so the more they pig out, the more they pay....Brilliant!

I tell all of my offices that names get reported and that we just got a new reporting method in expense reports, told them that it is possible that they will get a 1099 at the end of the year; so the more they pig out, the more they pay....Brilliant!

you do not know the law do you...for instance if all meals are under 9.99 they dont get reported or count toward the hcp. You can also "zero" someone that does not eat.
you can feed 10 people for 99$ and nothing becomes of it.

Nothing has ever been said about a 1099 form or taxing them. You know no tax laws do you?

Stop being an ifiot and go back to the used car lot, it is all you can handle I am sure...
Don f=things up for the rest of us. If you don't know what you are talking about then shut your pie hole!

you do not know the law do you...for instance if all meals are under 9.99 they dont get reported or count toward the hcp. You can also "zero" someone that does not eat.
you can feed 10 people for 99$ and nothing becomes of it.

Nothing has ever been said about a 1099 form or taxing them. You know no tax laws do you?

Stop being an ifiot and go back to the used car lot, it is all you can handle I am sure...
Don f=things up for the rest of us. If you don't know what you are talking about then shut your pie hole!

This person ids correct although he/she cannot spell IDIOT very well!
Learn the material before you think you know what you are talking about.....OP!

you do not know the law do you...for instance if all meals are under 9.99 they dont get reported or count toward the hcp. You can also "zero" someone that does not eat.
you can feed 10 people for 99$ and nothing becomes of it.

Nothing has ever been said about a 1099 form or taxing them. You know no tax laws do you?

Stop being an ifiot and go back to the used car lot, it is all you can handle I am sure...
Don f=things up for the rest of us. If you don't know what you are talking about then shut your pie hole!

What happens if your male docs sport a member great 9.99"? Do they get reported? Now that's 9.99 soft.

You idiots miss the point, its over! Doctors dont want to even have this hanging over them no matter what the true story is I make sure I spend over 9.99 per person. Lets quit pretending we arent offering "gifts" to offices. feeding an army of hogs that have really no input nor interest on what we provide is a buy off any way you look at it.

Let me run this one by you guys. One of my docs has been asking my help to get him a new laptop. I know for a fact that our sales training group just got in a new shipment and they always order spares. I also know who has the keys to the supply cabinet. Do you think that anyone might ever notice if one day one of them went missing?

Might get me a few scrips. Serious replies only.

Let me run this one by you guys. One of my docs has been asking my help to get him a new laptop. I know for a fact that our sales training group just got in a new shipment and they always order spares. I also know who has the keys to the supply cabinet. Do you think that anyone might ever notice if one day one of them went missing?

Might get me a few scrips. Serious replies only.

As Nike says "Just Do it!"

You idiots miss the point, its over! Doctors dont want to even have this hanging over them no matter what the true story is I make sure I spend over 9.99 per person. Lets quit pretending we arent offering "gifts" to offices. feeding an army of hogs that have really no input nor interest on what we provide is a buy off any way you look at it.

Sunshine act is put off til 2nd half of year, 2013, or some sh$t like that. This whole thing is a butt fuk. Govt doesnt even kow what the hell is going on. Keep feeding these hogs my friend. Fattin them up so they will bring more when theyre husbands te them to auction.

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