Funny Lunch Story


Did lunch with an office that I had only been to twice in the past. As I began to speak with him he questioned the sign in sheet and who these names get sent to. Must have been the first time he'd heard of the Sunshine Act because his face turned bright red as I told him it would be viewed as a gift and that it is possibly taxed. I realized his frustration so I succeeded in twisting the knife in a little further to the point he left without eating, went to verify the information via phone with colleagues he knew in the area. With a grin I sat in the kitchen for another ten minutes eating brownies and farting. As I left the whole office was just looking at me. Then went down stairs to empty the coins from the vending machine I own in the very same building. Minutes later, one of his nurses was coming down as I emptied the coins, she looked at me, I looked at her, all I could say was "just grabbin a snack". I thought this was just great.


That sir is brilliant and a truly funny story. You just have to be able to laugh these days. I thought is was especially funny that you stayed to fart and eat some brownies...haha

Your behavior at the lunch is disgraceful and unprofessional. To make a customer uncomfortable is truly immature. It is no wonder that health care professionals are getting tired on the frat/sorority brats that waste their time. If you don't respect your job then get out and let someone with class do it!

Your behavior at the lunch is disgraceful and unprofessional. To make a customer uncomfortable is truly immature. It is no wonder that health care professionals are getting tired on the frat/sorority brats that waste their time. If you don't respect your job then get out and let someone with class do it!

Unfortunately, all so true!!

Your behavior at the lunch is disgraceful and unprofessional. To make a customer uncomfortable is truly immature. It is no wonder that health care professionals are getting tired on the frat/sorority brats that waste their time. If you don't respect your job then get out and let someone with class do it!

nice comeback dude-got any cigars for me

Did lunch with an office that I had only been to twice in the past. As I began to speak with him he questioned the sign in sheet and who these names get sent to. Must have been the first time he'd heard of the Sunshine Act because his face turned bright red as I told him it would be viewed as a gift and that it is possibly taxed. I realized his frustration so I succeeded in twisting the knife in a little further to the point he left without eating, went to verify the information via phone with colleagues he knew in the area. With a grin I sat in the kitchen for another ten minutes eating brownies and farting. As I left the whole office was just looking at me. Then went down stairs to empty the coins from the vending machine I own in the very same building. Minutes later, one of his nurses was coming down as I emptied the coins, she looked at me, I looked at her, all I could say was "just grabbin a snack". I thought this was just great.

haha, it's great that you own vending machines, I own 16 SEAGA Mechanical Combo Vending Machine w/ Changer and make an extra $1800 a month. It is great extra income. I do have one in a medical facility I call on as well. They are expensive, but if you buy them used it is all profit after the first year.

Did lunch with an office that I had only been to twice in the past. As I began to speak with him he questioned the sign in sheet and who these names get sent to. Must have been the first time he'd heard of the Sunshine Act because his face turned bright red as I told him it would be viewed as a gift and that it is possibly taxed. I realized his frustration so I succeeded in twisting the knife in a little further to the point he left without eating, went to verify the information via phone with colleagues he knew in the area. With a grin I sat in the kitchen for another ten minutes eating brownies and farting. As I left the whole office was just looking at me. Then went down stairs to empty the coins from the vending machine I own in the very same building. Minutes later, one of his nurses was coming down as I emptied the coins, she looked at me, I looked at her, all I could say was "just grabbin a snack". I thought this was just great.

how many times did you fart?

Did lunch with an office that I had only been to twice in the past. As I began to speak with him he questioned the sign in sheet and who these names get sent to. Must have been the first time he'd heard of the Sunshine Act because his face turned bright red as I told him it would be viewed as a gift and that it is possibly taxed. I realized his frustration so I succeeded in twisting the knife in a little further to the point he left without eating, went to verify the information via phone with colleagues he knew in the area. With a grin I sat in the kitchen for another ten minutes eating brownies and farting. As I left the whole office was just looking at me. Then went down stairs to empty the coins from the vending machine I own in the very same building. Minutes later, one of his nurses was coming down as I emptied the coins, she looked at me, I looked at her, all I could say was "just grabbin a snack". I thought this was just great.

I just read this to my wife. We were both laughing to the point of tears. What is great about this is that you were not intimidated, you stayed to fart and eat brownies. This Buds for you!

p.s did the brownies have walnuts in them or were they plain?

I just read this to my wife. We were both laughing to the point of tears. What is great about this is that you were not intimidated, you stayed to fart and eat brownies. This Buds for you!

p.s did the brownies have walnuts in them or were they plain?

Dude, replying to your own post is very weak!!!!!!!!

I wonder if he walked back to the kitchen after you left to at least grab a slice

how do you go about getting permission to put vending machines in places? do you have to give a cut to the business owner?

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