Fund Manager Steve Cohen increases stake on June 27th

Wall Street Grinder

No b.s. as you can look it up on SEC June 27th filings. Steve Cohen increased his stake by over 1 million shares and now owns over 5 percent of Pernix.
This is not only good news for investors, but also good news for employees/reps (research the turnaround of CPXX).

** I know the Grinder said he wouldn't post anymore of this sales reps board, but this Cohen news is indeed a big deal allso for employees and not just investors)

Happy 4th of July everyone

The WS Grinder

No b.s. as you can look it up on SEC June 27th filings. Steve Cohen increased his stake by over 1 million shares and now owns over 5 percent of Pernix.
This is not only good news for investors, but also good news for employees/reps (research the turnaround of CPXX).

** I know the Grinder said he wouldn't post anymore of this sales reps board, but this Cohen news is indeed a big deal allso for employees and not just investors)

Happy 4th of July everyone

The WS Grinder
We welcome you to continue posting Grinder. That said please reply to the comment above. Happy 4th

No b.s. as you can look it up on SEC June 27th filings. Steve Cohen increased his stake by over 1 million shares and now owns over 5 percent of Pernix.
This is not only good news for investors, but also good news for employees/reps (research the turnaround of CPXX).

** I know the Grinder said he wouldn't post anymore of this sales reps board, but this Cohen news is indeed a big deal allso for employees and not just investors)

Happy 4th of July everyone

The WS Grinder

Holy geez, my bad, I just assume the filing was for Pernix from Cohen. Wasn't trying to spread false info. But you are 100% correct. You just ruined my 4th of July as I was getting excited here.

Oh well

No need to attack and be vulgar towards me for being honest and admitting my mistake. But you are allowed to have your opinion. But I am curious, can you explain in detail (not being vulgar), why you honestly feel this way.

Thank you in advance for your considerations

No need to attack and be vulgar towards me for being honest and admitting my mistake. But you are allowed to have your opinion. But I am curious, can you explain in detail (not being vulgar), why you honestly feel this way.

Thank you in advance for your considerations

Your job and well being are not in the line. Simply the money you gambled with the hope that our company increase sales and our stock price increase. Stop trolling our board trying to gather information for your own personal satisfaction/benefit. You post frivolous bs on our board about positive transactions and your thought is " oh well" when you are wrong. You have simply lost all credibility that you may or may not have had from previous posts. Simply put...GO AWAY.

All good and fair posts above. I can take valid feedback and learn from it (not being sarcastic here).

Of course as an investor/owner with 100K plus shares, I love to understand better the sales trend. But I also wish only the best from the sales reps and entire company.

I will not post unless I have proof on any valid information worth posting from an overall company perspective that benefits for both reps and owners/investors.

Have a good evening and thanks for the constructive feedback.

The WS Grinder