Fun to watch


Well I have to admit that it's been a blast to watch the well-deserved stock price being a direct reflection of Sr Mgt. way to go chiefs. You've squandered hundreds of millions shamelessly and without an ounce of conscience. In fact, Lou, et al have taken a certain pride in the debacle. A tip 'o the hat sirs. I hope the authorities will come knocking on your fraudulent doors soon.

You have no idea how much fun it has been to observe the home office antics up close and personal. So much that could be told, a real cornucopia of hijinks........the backslapping, brown nosing, intimidation, backstabbing, incompetence, ego mania, many GOOD stories that will be recounted over a cold beer or two.

Reminds me of a Great line from Star Wars as Obi Wan looks out over the town..."there has never been a more wretched hive of scum and villany"

the amount of $$ squandered is a whole different issue. The CEO salary and package is just off the charts for performance......LMFAO.