Full Circle


Karma is a funny thing.
Did anyone hear that Butch from Aptalis, the guy that referred and helped to hire Brad Herrmann, was fired last Friday? Apparently for making poor hiring decisions.

Looking back at our PDT experience, the most gratifying outcome were the friendships created. The former PDT reps remain good friends and maintain communication. Brad Herrmann could have been part of this circle of friendship consisting of former PDT reps. Instead, he chose to give his loyalties to the evil emperor and the dark side. This makes me wonder who is the real Brad Herrmann? Is it the pre-Pinnacle Brad? And he simply folded due to pressures of management and voluntarily forfeited all convictions. Or is the real Brad Herrmann a person who all along was only looking out for himself? Maybe this is the real Brad Herrmann and it was only a matter of time before he showed his true colors. One thing is for certain, he'll never enjoy a camaraderie with his former PDT reps.

Brad was a jerk even pre-Pinnacle. Remember what he his to JH and others? He tried to destroy anyone who was more knowledgable or connected than he was. Complete inferiority complex.

I remember when the consultant, Mr. Goomba addressed the PDT team during NASM 2010 in Charlotte. He asked the group what we needed from Brad in order to succeed. We requested for Brad to leave the room. And once he did, we immediately agreed that Brad needed to delegate more responsibility. And the reason he wasn't was out of insecurity...concern one of the PDT reps would take his job.

Once Brad re-entered the room, the first thing the consultant told him was not to worry about losing his job to one of the reps. And he was assured that nobody was interested in his job. Brad was never able to step away from that insecurity.

The first time I noticed insecurity from Brad was when I was in training. I would send JH (trainer) e-mails and copy Brad. Brad eventually replied and asked that I not send JH e-mails and instead direct my questions to him. Brad may never admit it, but he knew that JH's knowledge of PDT was exceptional. And he felt threatened by JH. Instead of leveraging JH's knowledge for overall PDT success, he believed it was more important to do away with anything he considered to be potential competition.

Originally Posted by Anonymous on the Merck Board under the "Brad Herrmann" Thread

"Brad is an awesome guy! He personally paid off a colleagues loan that WAS IN DIRE STRAIGHTS well at merck. He is the guy!"


Wow...that's awesome! Sounds like The Tales of Two Brads. I formerly reported to Brad. He really is a nice man. However, at the end of the day, Brad will do what's best for him and his pocket book, which is understandable. He'll portray himself to be a friend for life. That's far from the truth. Maybe at his current age, he needed to look out for his retirement.

I never met the young Brad Herrmann. While he was at Merck, retirement was as far as the eye could see. The Axcan-Pinnacle Biologics "older" Brad had a different set of values and priorities. This caused him to lose friendships with all his former PDT reps. I believe he knew what the outcome of his compromise would be, and believed it was worth the money. He was in on the Pinnacle Biologics short and long term Photofrin goal. However, he acted as if he didn't know what was going on the entire time.